Example sentences of "that [pron] [vb -s] [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 It 's proof that someone 's issued a book to you , yeah .
2 As Nick sets to work his wife Jate ( Niamh Cusack ) discovers that someone has committed a far more serious offence — but the witness wo n't talk .
3 Climbing the steps through the central arch to the altar-like plinth , I see that someone has left a pot of red begonias .
4 If we are pretty sure that someone has had a heart attack though , we 'll whistle up the RAF helicopter to get the casualty straight to the hospital .
5 We must assume that someone wants to see a recording , otherwise there was no point in recording it in the first place .
6 Roxburgh 's observation that high expectation can be dangerous might have carried more weight were it not for the fact that nobody appears to have a loftier opinion of Ferguson than the 21-year-old himself .
7 Some of this paternal anger is also rooted in the loss or " violation " of father 's " little girl " , and the recognition that she has become a sexually active person with a man of her own .
8 She retains a liveliness of mind which is quite extraordinary under the circumstances and she still displays a keen sense of humour and a warmth of contact despite the fact that she has to use a machine .
9 ‘ You must tell your friend , ’ continued the lady , ‘ that she has made a mistake .
10 At times the loneliness of her position has brought her to the edge of despair , so much so that she has made a number of suicide attempts , some more half-hearted than others .
11 If you find it difficult to understand some of the feelings she expresses , you have to realise that she has reached a stage in life 's journey of which , as yet , you know nothing at all , and until you stand where she is standing now you are in no position to pass any judgement on her attitudes .
12 Evert also revealed that she has added a week of exhibition matches against Martina Navratilova to her schedule , which will be played in Asia , in April .
13 I am reminded of all this by a correspondent who tells me that she has had a pear tree ‘ for about 30 years and in that time , have only once had good fruit ’ .
14 Her GP informed us that she has had a further recurrence of left hemiparesis and , after investigation , the provisional diagnosis is demyelination .
15 The 18-year-old from Dinas Powys , currently Britain 's best young player , learned this week that she has won a place at St Hilda 's College for September 1991 to study physiology and psychology .
16 There is no doubt she feels that she has paid a high price for her royal life and looks forward to the day when she can spend a weekend in Paris or , as she says , ‘ I can run along a beach without a policeman following me ’ .
17 Mia , waking up to find her companion still sleeping , hardly gives the impression that she has spent a passionate night .
18 But never imagine for a moment that she has abandoned a lifetime of hard-won apostasy and now rejoices in the mating rituals of her long-lost tribe .
19 But I hope he 'll be able to make her understand that she ca n't ever have me , and that she has to make a life for herself away from me . ’
20 The value of Moscucci 's approach is that she has provided a detailed picture of the development of gynaecological practice .
21 As the corporals head for lunch they pass a recruit from the TA platoon shepherding her visitors toward the museum , Where she is convinced that she has found a photograph of her mother , Who served in the Auxiliary Territorial Service in 1945 .
22 By emphasizing the spiritual potential of women , Leapor believes that she has found a more reasonable and more durable standard of value .
23 Yvonne was so shocked at how widespread the problem was that she has installed a hotline in her gym .
24 FERGIE may have found it difficult to learn Her Royal Lessons , but you do n't have to be a fitness connoisseur to see that she has learned a thing or two about keeping in Of course her title of the Disappearing Duchess takes on a different meaning now a year ago it referred to her ability to lose five stones of regal flab .
25 Look at that she 's scoffed a Picnic bar , now she 's scoffing a bloody Crunchie !
26 ‘ Oh , its been a strain — I did n't mind at first because she 'd stay down at her flat for short periods of time , but obviously as her memory 's got worse she does n't realise that she 's got a flat , and the only thing she knows is in here , and this is the only place she wants to be — here .
27 Now I come to think of it , I do n't know much about her family at all — only that she 's got a sister and a mother somewhere in the States . ’
28 I I saw Mrs granddad that she 's got a new bike and I said I wish I could go that .
29 That she 's got a boyfriend . ’
30 Anyway , you should be thankful that she 's got a clean name , and so have you . ’
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