Example sentences of "that [pron] [is] [verb] his " in BNC.

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1 Letterman thinks that he is failing in love with her but he has the impression that she is using his cosseted and lineamented body in some sinister fashion .
2 ‘ It seems my nephew is so besotted with your sister that he 's treated his parents with arrant discourtesy , walking away from the opportunity of meeting his father 's cousin who is flying in from the States — a man who could be influential in his future career .
3 The Chief Constable of Gloucestershire has announced that he 's leaving his job to take up a new post with the intelligence service in London .
4 So Taylor 's announcement that he 's to put his tactical paperwork in the office shredder and hand over the complete accounts ledger to Gascoigne is the most encouraging statement for English football since the surgeon passed Gazza 's knee A1 .
5 That he 's using his vast profits from drug-smuggling to finance his terrorist activities ? ’
6 ‘ Then how are you going to prove in court that he 's breaking his contract here by working somewhere else ? ’
7 If I go and tell that mod over there that he 's insulted his tie and then I go and tell the rocker that the mod 's been rude about him , we 'll get them burning down the pier . ’
8 I 've been told he left the accountancy firm where he worked , and that he 's joined his uncle , Matthew Wilder , who owns a back-country property between Napier and Taupo .
9 ‘ It appears that he 's changed his mind . ’
10 We usually go in daily , so that I can check that he 's doing his job right .
11 But long before he reaches him he recognizes him — from the way he 's sitting , sprawled back in an armchair with his feet on a coffee-table , reading an ancient Amazing Science Fiction ; from his spectacles and rumpled hair ; from the fact that he 's taken his shoes and socks off to cool his feet , and tossed them down on the coffee-table ; from the way he does n't look up , even as Howard comes right up to him , goggling head leading the way , unable to believe his eyes .
12 JIM HICKEY has announced that he is to leave his post as director of Filmhouse in Edinburgh to pursue a career in film-making .
13 Who , when he lays eyes upon me , does not feel that he is seeing his king and his master ? ’
14 Furthermore , not only does Hilton imply that he is implementing his treatment of the subject in Scale 1 at the beginning of Scale 2 , there are also points in Scale 1 where he anticipates a development of his subject beyond that relevant for his immediate recipient .
15 To take the weakest case first ; even if the sceptic were unwise enough to admit that any assertion involves a claim to knowledge and that he is asserting his conclusion that knowledge is impossible , he can still maintain his position .
16 It is no secret that Slobodan Milosevic [ the Serbian President ] is psychologically a self-destructive , suicidal type , but the trouble is that he is transferring his suicidal madness onto the nation as a whole .
17 Charm was never the strong suit of the hon. Member for Glasgow , Garscadden ( Mr. Dewar ) — indeed , I think that he is wearing his only suit .
18 He is so true to his roots that he is buying his first home in ‘ mean street , ’ Philadelphia , the tough district where his father and several friends were killed .
19 His refusal to take seriously the possibility of a confirmation theory , for example , can easily lead one to believe that he is closing his eyes to important normative issues .
20 Such a man may be delighted to become a father yet he will not wish to think that he is depriving his partner of her career — even temporarily .
21 ‘ What he is hoping , by blurting out such nonsense , is that he is keeping his finger firmly on the self-destruct button for the British monarchy . ’
22 He faxes me , not to own up to being Clark Kent , but to draw attention to the fact that he is giving his surplus Y-fronts to Mary Loudon ( author of Nuns Unveiled , Chatto it says here ) for onward transmission to the homeless .
23 the degree can vary from the rider feeling that he is having his arms pulled out to the good feeling when the horse is keen to get on with his business — this is described as being well up to the rider 's hand .
24 And despite the fact that he is unveiling his Cicciolina-inspired work at a time when sexually-adventurous artists are regularly harassed , progressive museum directors arrested on obscenity charges , and an increasing number of independent films slapped with the dreaded X-rating — a proven box-office poison — Koons says he is not worried about achieving his goals .
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