Example sentences of "that [pron] [is] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The one point on which Mr Golyadkin and Double were agreed was that there is nobody like God , but it follows pat and false that if a man has nowhere to go God will look after him .
2 The idea that there is something of a lag between terminology and social system is interesting and there does indeed sometimes seem to be this type of gap .
3 Throughout Marx 's work he stresses , as he had done for labour , the fantastic nature of the capitalist concept of property , the fantastic notion that there is something of our personality in the things or places we own .
4 Let us remember that there is something of God in everyone — even people we find it difficult to like .
5 I realise that there is something of a contradiction here , but so be it .
6 Eighteenth-century politics have long had an unsavoury reputation , and although in the case of Scotland much of that reputation can be traced to the persuasive , but not strictly accurate , writings of Henry Cockburn and other Whig reformers of the early nineteenth century , it must be conceded at the outset that there is something to be said for the received account .
7 It may be that there is something to be said for this composite view .
8 This means that the framework for any activity is itself communicative i.e. that there is something to be communicated to someone for some purpose .
9 However , working women generally were by no means in favour of the double burden of work at home and in the factory and Mary MacArthur may well have spoken for a majority when she said : ‘ We are all familiar with the old ideal that women 's place is in the home , and I am sufficiently old fashioned to agree that there is something to be said for it ’ .
10 Yet the difficulties which some governments have experienced in recent years in delivering political promises that the size of the bureaucracy would be reduced suggest that there is something to the foundation upon which economic models of bureaucracy have been built .
11 The activities of the societies also ensure that there is something for every branch of the membership .
12 So we started by asking our friends , who in turn asked others , until we were eventually inundated with testimonies from witnesses around the world who provided popular proof that there is something about the cinema that encourages , right there in the picture house , thoughts , feelings and behaviour in its patrons by turns enigmatic , terrifying , erotic , sad , hilarious and poetic , often triggered by uncanny interplay between screen image and real-time events in the auditorium and in the world beyond the muffled doors .
13 Positively , the theory asserts that there is something about the sensation which correlates with the stimulation being at a certain point , and which can thus , in time , become a sign to us of the stimulation being at that point .
14 The constant visibility of cult members committing suicide is likely to lead us to think that there is something about the cult that causes people to take their own lives .
15 Equally , it can be argued that there is something about institutions in human societies , especially in politics , law , morality and religion , which seems unnecessary from a strictly utilitarian point of view .
16 One is that something about the dream itself ( its illogicality perhaps ) makes it difficult to remember , and the other that there is something about the physiological state in which we find ourselves when first woken up that makes remembering difficult .
17 It seems likely that there is something about the state we are in while asleep that prevents memories from being stored in the normal way .
18 The unstated implication is that there is something about the aptitude of the potential recruits themselves which leads to their failure .
19 ‘ I know now that there is something between a mother and her baby that even time can not take away .
20 Othello sees the surface doubts , is made to suspect that there is something behind them , is led on to discover — what Iago wants him to discover .
21 One can also add that there is something in the present policies of the SDLP which suggest a need to maintain a somewhat fragile unity in respect of the national question .
22 I suspect what the conclusion wants to imply is that there is something in the philosophy of science which says that science should be used for good things and that war is not one of these .
23 And I can tell you that there is something in Cave 's music , something black and unnameable , that 's becoming an increasingly rare commodity in modern rock .
24 And our concern is that if that figure is appro is is agreed or recommended by the panel or it 's gon na to be taken by the county that there is something in the order of a hundred and thirty hectares of employment land which is going to take investment from somewhere .
25 But in due course er when I was still off with flu , erm back to the specialist another test , you know , and that was er March , April of last year and the result of it was that there is something in there which is characteristic of what 's , what we call multiple sclerosis which seems to me is about as broad as it 's long , you know , it 's , it 's a very large
26 Concern is growing that there is no-one in sight to take over Novell should Noorda become incapacitated .
27 Another way is to catch a bus from Bishop 's Castle to Newtown or Shrewsbury ( for the sake of the argument , suppose that there is one at a suitable time ) .
28 They make a mockery of the notion that there exists within the Community a free market or even that there is one in the offing .
29 If it is obvious that there is plenty of room to land ahead , that is always the first and best choice .
30 If , by then , it is obvious that there is plenty of room to turn back into wind and land , this is the sensible thing to do .
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