Example sentences of "that [pron] [is] also a " in BNC.

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1 Age Concern believes that there is also a need for more provision of smaller accommodation , particularly in the public sector .
2 It hardly needs to be said that there is also a total rejection of moral principles .
3 ( The discrepancy could perhaps be explained if it is assumed that there is also a weak preference to continue with the first-named character . )
4 The bad news is that there is also a one-off , call-out charge of Pounds 29.40 , which makes a one-hour job £52.84 — a fairly normal rate for washing machine experts .
5 Jack reports that there is also a chance that Northrop YC–125B Raider 48–626 may join the collection .
6 You will notice that there is also a section ’ Other Items . ’
7 I sometimes believe that there is also a powerful case for referring on occasions to Hansard as an aid to construction , at any rate in case of a clear ministerial statement of intent .
8 " A man who wants to talk at large about smoke may have to pick his words very carefully if he wants to exclude the suggestion that there is also a fire : but it can be done . "
9 It is true that there is also a chance that the individual plaintiff may live longer than the average expectation of life .
10 Being so central and combined with the fact that it 's also a club Exclusive hotel where you can always be sure of a lively , fun atmosphere and a friendly welcome , it 's hardly surprising that the Catherine is our most popular base in town and comes top of our list for summer ‘ 90 .
11 But it is totally universal as well in that it is also a simple parable , like Dead Poets Society , about the necessity to follow your instincts and not get trapped by the drive to conform .
12 Bergman 's ( 1979 ) comments on Sweden indicate that it is also a belief which has appeared in other countries .
13 One might answer in this case that it is also a typical feature of speech , so should probably be analysed as a contraction and for this reason avoided in academic writing — even if one accepts the idea of a regional/class standard .
14 Noel was present and presenting the Welsh independence in and also Gethyn was present erm I 'd like to see , er , know that Gethyn was representing the Church in Wales apart from the fact that he 's also a baptist .
15 I think that he is also a peer — No , he is not a peer .
16 He will need my attention and as I note from his record that he is also a Roman Catholic by religion , he may also need the ministrations of Father Martin here . ’
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