Example sentences of "that [pron] [vb base] [adv] a " in BNC.

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1 It 's such a wonderful thing and gives out such heat that I spend quite a lot of my time sitting alongside it in the kitchen .
2 I know that I have only a few hours left to live , but I can feel my loved ones near me , and I welcome death .
3 And it 's one that needs sort of a bit of thinking about , and again tie it back to the everyday things that you know quite a lot about , electrical appliances , things like that .
4 So there are lots of erm this is something that you know quite a bit about .
5 Now of course from the special school point of view they will say well many efforts are made to attempt to bring community life into the school and to have children erm or give them experiences in the community , so that you provide both a sheltered environment and also the opportunity to learn in the wider community , and this debate is something of a dilemma erm I do n't know that any body can give a definite answer to it .
6 ‘ Low battery ’ , for instance , is a warning that you have only a minute or so of battery-time left before you will have to stop the shoot to allow the battery to be changed or recharged .
7 The greater the number of lectures you must attend , the tighter and more automatic must be your techniques , or else you will find after a week or two that you have only a mass of undigested scribbles as the poor product of the many lectures you have attended .
8 What I was going to suggest then , Chairman , in the light of , in a sense a change of , a change of thought by me over the Christmas period , in a way it 's probably best it happened , is to ask if we could , because I 'm , I 'm keen that , this kind of different kind of strategy , there is a , there is a member ownership of the strategy , rather than just put something to you , that you would then have to , you know you , you have the paper in front of you , it 's a thirty page document , and you decided is actually to suggest that you have actually a , a , a member group of , of , of a few members , perhaps three or four members , erm , to actually work with me on this , in the development of that strategy , so there was actually a member involvement , because it 's straying more into the political field .
9 What I would like to think is is that we put together an annual report for our own purposes , and that goes out to a very limited distribution , as Trevor was suggesting .
10 Some feel that politics is the best route , others that politics is completely irrelevant and that we need instead a spiritual revolution .
11 The solution to ‘ He was not really afraid of any landlady ’ might appear to be that we have here a masked first-person avowal , and that it is simply an indication of Dostoevsky 's boldness that it should be surrounded by authorial statements which are firmly outside and ( so to say ) on top of Raskolnikov in the classical omniscient third-person mode : for example , information about his poverty , irritable frame of mind , withdrawal from society , his ‘ not naturally timorous and abject ’ disposition .
12 There is certainly a difficulty in understanding how Israel can be expected to have known anything from primeval times , when it did not exist , but there is no doubt that we have here a parallelism of increasing precision .
13 Curiously , while ( 64 ) can only be used as a greeting ( at least in British English ) , ( 65 ) can only be used as a parting : ( 65 ) Good night so that we have here an interaction of time and discourse deixis .
14 It is possible that we have here an attempt to combine hunting and aquatic scenes ( see note 3 ) , but such a suggestion must be tentative .
15 So you can see that we have quite a mixture of people in terms of our backgrounds professionally .
16 The fossil history.of earth suggests that we have about a billion years — one ‘ aeon ’ , to use a convenient modern definition — to play with , for this is roughly the time that elapsed between the origin of the Earth about 4.5 billion years ago and the era of the first fossil organisms .
17 The tip radius , from being very small , is now very large , practically infinite in fact It is true that we have now a new crack , at right angles to the original one , but then the tendency to propagate a crack which is parallel to the applied stress is usually nil .
18 Is the first offer that they make simply an opening shot ?
19 They are alleged to send the ball further but I 'm not sure that they put even a yard on a shot .
20 He says that they get quite a few injured badgers this time of year .
21 However , examples of this kind are so few that they indicate only a slight tendency ( possibly confined to some pre-sonorant environments ) , which is not enough for /a/ backing to be discussed as a stereotype .
22 expressing your hope that these convictions signal the determination of the Guatemalan government not to tolerate any further human rights abuses , no matter who the perpetrators , and that they represent merely a first step in a concentrated programme of government action intended to return Guatemala to the rule of law ;
23 Such charges might seem unpalatable to influential lairds , but the report suggests that they represent merely a shift of emphasis , recognising the responsibility for good stewardship long adopted by many Highland estates .
24 This is despite the fact that they carry only a minority of the 13 stigmata of weediness .
25 The overwhelming conclusion emerging from any assessment of these programmes is that they have only a marginal impact on inner-urban problems .
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