Example sentences of "that [pron] [adv] [vb -s] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ She is so tired when her work is finished that she just sits still and rests .
2 Helen admitted that she rarely wears much make-up in the evening , apart from a little gold eyeshadow , blusher and lipstick .
3 The leggy actress has revealed that she now shreds all the rubbish at her Malibu home before putting it out for the dust-men .
4 Some diet books imply that if Ann diets , so that she too weighs 10 stone , she will have to eat less than Mary .
5 It is not clear that she currently has any diplomatic status , though there is some evidence that the United Nations may still for some purposes recognise her ambassadorship .
6 Significantly , it was as the population recovered that one again sees widespread movements of social unrest .
7 Unfortunately general results are elusive ; it is not the case that any of these constraints will always improve performance , neither is it true that one necessarily dominates another .
8 Pei 's generosity with space , the fact that one never feels oppressed by ceilings ( as I always do at Lasdun 's National Theatre ) , reveals him as a distinctive architectural sculptor .
9 This will be a full 64-bit implementation , superscalar so that it probably issues two to three instructions per cycle .
10 The grass is so high in parts of West Derby cemetery that it completely hides some of the gravestones .
11 Is it really the case that ordinary mem bers of the public have a hatred of the police so virulent that it completely overbears normal reactions of shock , concern , and compassion ?
12 In the past it has been held that Article 86 may be infringed where a company holding a dominant position within the EC strengthens that position , by acquiring control of another company or business in the same market , to such an extent that it practically eliminates effective competition in that market .
13 As for the release of information , the stock exchange points out that it already requires price-sensitive information to be published through its regulated news service .
14 The Home Office says that it already pays fifty one percent of the cost of policing the royals , but if the county council can adequately demonstrate that it needs more then funds are available .
15 But whatever happens to particular processes , it remains a general condition of modern cultural technology that it both requires social forms of production and yet , within this , under specific economic conditions , imposes not only a professional but a class division of labour .
16 Leaving aside the question of how such a perfect and whole symbiotic relationship could have ever evolved , Darwinian-style and piecemeal , out of ‘ random fluctuations in the DNA of wasp and orchid ’ , we are left with the interesting observation that the mind structure , or instinct , of the wasp is organized in such a way that it instinctively seeks this particular shape , for the purposes of fulfilling its urge to mate .
17 Its domination resides in the fact that it keeps the economy going , without which the whole society would collapse , and in the fact that it thereby imposes certain restrictions on other practices .
18 IBM reckons the 970 achieves a SPECmark rating of 100.3 , making IBM the first to produce a RISC system which scores a century on the benchmark , and that it also does 100.9 transactions per second on the Transaction Processing Performance Council 's TPC-A benchmark .
19 Ethnomethodology is an organizational study of a member 's own knowledge of his ordinary affairs , of his own organized enterprises , where this knowledge is treated … as part of the same setting that it also makes orderable ( Garfinkel 1974 : 18 )
20 However , Krashen ( 1981 ) maintains that LOR ‘ works ’ to the extent that it also indicates greater interaction with the community .
21 It is a tribute to how far we have come already in theoretical physics that it now takes enormous machines and a great deal of money to perform an experiment whose results we can not predict .
22 The resolution will be put to the League 's annual meeting on Friday , and Rovers hope the fact that it now has official support , will be sufficient to have it passed despite anticipated opposition .
23 Cellnet Mobile Communications Ltd claims that it now has 100,000 subscribers for its low-use mobile service , Lifetime ; the cellular company expects to double this number over the next nine months .
24 I would say to you that the history of North Yorkshire County is that the house house builders have built , more or less the building rate of planning policy , whatever that has been , and that is a matter of fact , and if and if and if we are in a situation where the market is being fettered , as is the policy , and it 's not a policy which we are seeking to go away from specifically , and it is inevitable that the house builders will build to whatever the policy building rate is , and comparisons of one building rate with another are simply telling you what 's happened in the past , not what needs to happen in the future er in terms of meeting the housing requirement , and quite clearly in any area where you are introducing a new settlement , if indeed that 's the conclusion we come to , er late later on , erm and I hope we do , but if we are introducing a new settlement you are bound to skew the building rates , and the more and more you reduce the area in which you consider what the building rate effect is the more and more that it actually gets skewed , er and erm you know , quite frankly , when the developers built a new estate at the end of my particular street the building rate went up alarmingly in my area , er and er you know , we can go on forever like that , I just think it 's very misleading to just deal with the judgement of building rates .
25 As the Royals have learned to their cost the law is so lax that it actually encourages widespread snooping .
26 However , some people like to mix their own concrete ; others do so on financial grounds , while a few feel that the lorry can not get close enough to the site to make the upheaval that it inevitably causes worthwhile .
27 Hewlett-Packard Co has extended its HP 9000 Series 1200 line of fault-tolerant Unix systems sourced from Sequoia Systems Inc downwards with the launch of the entry-level HP 9000 Model 1210 , claiming that it substantially outperforms fault-tolerant offerings from Tandem Computers Inc , Stratus Computer Inc and Digital Equipment Corp by as much as 100% in transaction processing work .
28 This sort of argument is so commonly used in the social sciences that it almost passes unnoticed ; but as soon as one stops to think about it one is faced with the problem in hand .
29 The WARM report criticizes the new German recycling system — which is rapidly being seen as a benchmark for materials recovery schemes throughout Europe — on the grounds that it unnecessarily duplicates existing waste collection networks .
30 In these situations there is no hope for an end to these ‘ holy ’ conflicts unless there becomes available some completely new religion which rejects all existing ‘ gods ’ , and offers an alternative form of religion and deity with viability so well reasoned and convincing that it inexorably eliminates all others .
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