Example sentences of "that [pron] [adv] [be] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I had to convince Mrs Blackler that I genuinely was Elsie 's brother .
2 Yet at the same time she knew that she actually was Martha — she felt like Martha deep within her and had , in fact , completely forgotten why she was being hypnotized and regressed .
3 Distressing as it was for the Victorian establishment to contemplate having descended from monkeys , it would not be long before new advances in physiology and biochemistry revealed that we virtually are monkeys — differing from the chimpanzee , for instance , by a single chromosome in our genetic code .
4 Even though we had n't won at Cov since 1976 , it felt like today we would begin to shut the critics up and show them that we truly are contenders .
5 And from this Pooh infers that there really is honey .
6 Only then , from that , does he infer that there really is honey ; and this is what really distinguishes being told the truth from finding it out in other ways .
7 ‘ It 's just that there really is trouble at t'mill , ’ she said quietly .
8 He discovers that there really are things that nobody has ever done before .
9 This denial is so certain that other people close to the sufferer may even come to doubt their own certainty that there really are problems or they may even come to doubt their own sanity .
10 The central point I want to make is the general one , not just about culling : namely , that there really are arguments on both sides and we have to do justice to the complexity of the problem .
11 Would I be right in thinking that there really are people with ‘ green fingers ’ and should we be doing more to encourage our younger generation to take an active interest in the garden ?
12 The wife obligingly lifted her arm and for the first time there was a flash of something pale , as if to show that there really was flesh and blood beneath the shapeless black garment .
13 To equate the will of the people with the will of the majority may often be a justifiable piece of political shorthand ; but those in a minority , whether it be on a particular issue or in a more long-term and fundamental way , are always entitled to remind the rest of society that they too are part of " the people " .
14 Although the sacred character of the pillar crypts has been questioned , there is plenty of evidence that they too were cult structures .
15 After the first clash , when the crowd was halted in front of the police cordon , some of the women had argued with the police and told them that they too were victims of the ‘ system ’ .
16 During the trial another seven women approached the police to say that they too were victims of Courtney .
17 Indeed , many of them experienced agonies of self-doubt ; all too aware of their inadequacies as Christians , they threw themselves headlong into acts of piety and charity in order to prove to themselves that they really were God 's elect .
18 Another reason for the non-reporting of crime is that many victims are unaware that they actually are victims of specific crimes .
19 And what were the chances of persuading him that it really was coincidence ?
20 And then , as her dazed mind finally absorbed the fact that it really was Ross , and not a figment of her overheated imagination , she quickly jumped to her feet and ran swiftly across the floor towards him .
21 And while it is easy enough for an experienced journalist to write that synopsis from memory ( checking for the elusive name of Software Arts and making sure that it really was PrairieTek that vanished last year ) , it would take a deal of research and above all deep thought to put together a dissertation on why things panned out the way they did , the fatal mistakes , the good decisions that each company made to achieve triumph or disaster , or both in quick succession .
22 Initially this satisfied the Marne growers , since they were pleased that the government had not ratified the Aube 's claim that it too was part of Champagne .
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