Example sentences of "that [adj] [verb] [vb pp] the " in BNC.

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1 Now what , what was emerging in the end of last week 's discussion was that there 's been the agrarian land law , land law of er October nineteen forty seven , absolute egalitarianism and a recognition certainly by the spring of nineteen forty eight that that had overstepped the mark at least in terms of its implementation in that it had in particular led to the encroachment of middle
2 has responded to those by , for example , over this year there has been closed circuit television at one of the Park and Rides — I think it 's Thornhill — in consultation with the Police , and the Police have told us that that has reduced the number of crimes that have occurred and we have put
3 The , another point is that that having raised the hopes of the housing associations the council is now actually trying to close a door that that we ourselves opened and this is tantamount to paying lip service to the health and the housing associations , yes , we 'll support you but not if it means that we have to sell you our houses .
4 The Party had modified its opposition to the Government 's rearmament programme and the Left felt that this had inhibited the campaign against Chamberlain .
5 The third was the confusion between rights and remedies evident in the alleged requirement of a superadded duty to act judicially as a requirement of certiorari , and the way that this had stilted the development of natural justice .
6 It is estimated that this has caused the death of more than 70,000 dolphins off Mexico 's Pacific coast since 1990 .
7 However it is hoped that this has given the reader an appreciation of some of the issues involved .
8 Er would you not say that this has shifted the onus of responsibility very much on to the financial institutions , the banks and others who had dealings with Mr Maxwell , and is n't the judge in effect saying in your interpretation er of that , that these institutions er really have got to show they were whiter than white in their dealings and actually went in and investigated him thoroughly ?
9 He declines to comment on the chances of the rest of the team , saying only that all have lacked the intensive training , with a sojourn in Japan , which they really needed .
10 The hike made Estabrook breathless , but he seemed glad that Gentle had picked the spot .
11 Unless , that is , two groups happen to tell each other and it turns out that both have had the same or similar experiences .
12 Information obtained from microbiologists and control of infection from nine hospitals in the South West region reveals that most have abandoned the concept of high risk patients .
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