Example sentences of "that [adj] [be] [art] [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 For my part , I 'm only glad that that 's the last we 've seen of him — ( And he glances offstage and turns front , his face betraying the fact that HAMLET is there . )
2 How will you make me get out of your way when you know deep down that that 's the last thing you really want me to do ? ’
3 My o 's gon na be a snake and I go right down look at that that 's the last thing I 'm gon na have to be able to do .
4 I do remember that that was the first time I wondered if I could bring myself to retire …
5 ‘ She knows my name ! ’ he commented wryly , and at that moment Leith realised that that was the first time she had used it .
6 I suspect that that was the last time that he will make a speech as Minister for the Arts , and I do not think that the House would begrudge him a longer time to say his farewells .
7 Little did they know that that was the last thing the kickers were intending to do , for what is the point of conceding a lineout that the opponents will probably win ?
8 That this is a first in the history of popular music .
9 ‘ I have every reason to believe that this is a first rate study ’ , says , AIDS director of the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases ( NIAID ) .
10 However , rather than having the guests whispering conspiratorially amongst themselves the unmentionable secret that this is a second marriage , some speakers prefer a more direct and honest approach .
11 IN referring to the Chilean Order of Merit awarded to Mr Harold Pinter , Mandrake ( March 29 ) stated that this is the first time the honour has been bestowed upon a playwright or , indeed , upon an ‘ intellectual ’ of any description .
12 A salesman whose last two months ' returns fall below the required norm may be thought to be failing , until one knows that this is the first time that it has happened in five years .
13 More important is that this is the first example of a case in which a trust is set up using indirect words : the words are addressed to the trustee ; and they make the testator 's intentions plain enough , although they do not express any request for a transfer of property .
14 Writing in Science ( vol 219 , p1184 ) , Mahlon DeLong and co-workers at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine say that this is the first case in which a specific form of dementia has been linked to particular neurotransmitters and nerve pathways .
15 ‘ D' you mean to tell me that this is the first time you 've slept with anyone ? ’ he asked incredulously .
16 We are only just realising that this is the first calling from which all else must flow .
17 The Commission for Racial Equality has said that this is the first such ruling and extends the definition of unfair treatment , which may well influence other tribunals ' decisions in future .
18 The Russian Embassy tells me that this is the first time their head of state has visited London and not stayed at the embassy .
19 IT IS understood that this is the first time a former LMS type has been on the line and follows the successful hire of former GWR 2-8-0 3822 by the WSR this year .
20 Among their justifications for the present move , Sotheby 's have stated that the average price of a lot sold at Sotheby 's is £1,000 which will result in an extra £50 on the bill ; that this is the first rise in the buyer 's premium since 1975 ; and that the alternative would have been to close down a number of the company 's European offices .
21 A spokesman for the Sri Lankan government in London told Action that this is the first known attempt anywhere in the world to translate the values of the New World Information and Communication Order into a legal form on a national scale .
22 And what can there be about the arrangement of a few slices of sausage and a dozen black olives on a dish brought by the waitress in the seaside café to keep you occupied while your fish is cooking that makes you feel that this is the first time you have seen and tasted a black olive and a piece of sausage ?
23 Anthropologists , in turn , have attempted to argue that , for example , the transition from brideservice , in which labour is performed by the prospective groom , to bridewealth , where objects are given in exchange for the bride , marks a significant difference in the development of a phenomenon whereby objects may stand for human labour , with the implication that this is the first stage towards the conditions of property and alienation as we know them today ( Strathern 1985 ) .
24 It may be that this is the first post-modern war , not just because it 's ‘ screened ’ but because the consensus in the West for war appears to be reluctant .
25 The Committee believes that this is the first time a group of solicitors , experts in their field , have considered the legal feasibility of an anti-discrimination law to help people with disabilities work .
26 Will my right hon. Friend confirm that this is the first time that any Government have introduced a genuine patients charter of rights ?
27 Is my right hon. Friend aware that this is the first time that I have asked him a question since his appointment , and I intend to enjoy it ?
28 Does my right hon. and learned Friend accept the good news , contrary to what was said by the hon. Member for Ashfield ( Mr. Haynes ) , that although in recent times my constituency has experienced economic difficulties , so successful has my right hon. and learned Friend 's training and enterprise programme been that the Crawley and District Industries Association has told me that this is the first time during a downturn in the economy when training by companies has increased rather than decreased ?
29 It is believed that this is the first such interchange to be arranged between a British or a European social research group and one in the People 's Republic of China .
30 Do you realise that this is the first time we 've been alone — I mean , really on our own ? ’
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