Example sentences of "that [verb] [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Well I think people think that a certain amount of time and attention has to be devoted to the Party 's constitution , and there are two things that arose out of the conference in Brighton .
2 Firstly , we were able to pinpoint a particular problem that arose only in the context of a complete system .
3 I became increasingly interested in gay men 's specific ways of seeing the world — what one might call , to use a now unfashionable phrase of Raymond Williams , male homosexual structures of feeling — but to qualify for inclusion in this framework , texts had to pass an ‘ authorship test ’ ( ‘ is/was he gay ? ’ ) that harked back to the bad old days of crudely biographical criticism .
4 In a side that trades heavily on the commitment of a classy midfield quartet , the cool defender 's ability to score vital goals has often proved a trump card for Charlton .
5 Service changed hands eight times and there were four lets in between until Soutter broke the deadlock with a tight drop that created an opening and a lovely cross-court forehand slice that zipped away for a winner .
6 This link with an organization that operated directly from the White House raised a disturbing question — where had the authority for the break-in originated ?
7 Dalziel put the phone down with a ping that rippled violently across the room .
8 The system models represented an ideal that applied equally to the situation before and after the implementation of the ERA .
9 In Proverbs 16 verse 25 we read ‘ There is a way that seemeth right unto a man , but the end thereof are the ways of death . ’
10 He turned his back to her and walked off into the open-plan living-room , with its huge glass patio doors that led on to the front garden .
11 Still dazed , Mrs Lomax put the car into gear and drove slowly in a semi-circle , back to the rough track that led away from the Monument .
12 She found herself standing on a wide terrace , with steps that led away from the house .
13 The relief as she left the place and walked along the track that led away from the Hacienda de Nieve was astounding .
14 Jessamy walked through the wilder part of the garden and then sat on a fallen tree-trunk , rapidly sketching the shadow-filled path that led round to the pond , the twisted shapes of the tree boughs , and the dark clumps of rushes .
15 At the top of the hill near the last curve of the weedy driveway that led round from the back of the villa a young man stood watching their approach .
16 With damp palms he opened the door that led up into the hallway .
17 The hallway was of a fair size , high-ceilinged and with an oak stairway that led up to a gallery-style balcony .
18 We climbed the rickety wooden stairs that led up to a balcony ; as we did so , one of the eunuchs blew a kiss at me and the others burst out laughing .
19 Ruth asked as they strolled through the formal gardens towards a flight of stone steps that led up to a forest of dense green pine trees offering shade and coolness .
20 Dancing , as we have already seen , formed an integral part of the ceremonies that led up to an epiphany .
21 A thick hedge of cypresses hid the pool from the lawns that led up to the house .
22 Every Scot knows at least part of the story of the massacre , but many are not aware of the background that led up to the atrocity and too little is known about the heinous wickedness of some of the characters involved .
23 Casually , keeping a light touch on Haminh 's mind , she wandered over to the metal ramp that led up to the residential walkway , encouraging Haminh with light touches to turn into the gangpath instead of walking straight past to her own doorway .
24 Hosanna padded down from the steps that led up to the patio door and sat beside her , lifting his right paw and placing it on her thigh .
25 And there was Gabriel , sitting on the stairs that led up to the bedrooms .
26 But his secretiveness extended to not even telling them that , and they had to be content to accompany him as he turned left at the foot of the steps that led up to the station entrance and headed for the quays .
27 The car drew up at one of the big houses on the prosperous shore road , facing the grassy slope that led up to the promenade .
28 Ben stood before the shallow flight of steps that led up to the main entrance , his head tilted back as he studied the frontage .
29 He brushed dust from his sleeve and headed towards the flight of stone steps that led up to the embankment .
30 She paid the taxi-driver and walked briskly towards the main entrance of the building , slowing her pace as she reached the flight of broad stone steps that led up to the doors .
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