Example sentences of "that [verb] [adv] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Service changed hands eight times and there were four lets in between until Soutter broke the deadlock with a tight drop that created an opening and a lovely cross-court forehand slice that zipped away for a winner .
2 In Proverbs 16 verse 25 we read ‘ There is a way that seemeth right unto a man , but the end thereof are the ways of death . ’
3 The hallway was of a fair size , high-ceilinged and with an oak stairway that led up to a gallery-style balcony .
4 We climbed the rickety wooden stairs that led up to a balcony ; as we did so , one of the eunuchs blew a kiss at me and the others burst out laughing .
5 Ruth asked as they strolled through the formal gardens towards a flight of stone steps that led up to a forest of dense green pine trees offering shade and coolness .
6 It was a masterpiece of international cinema which brought Korda all the financial backing he could need and a dream deal with United Artists that led eventually to a partnership in the American company .
7 Then we came to a smashed yellow stone façade and a doorway that led down into a cellar .
8 Sometimes , when they crossed a run that led upwards to a hole , he could hear the rain outside , still falling in the night .
9 Alison 's favours break down the boundaries of class ; any man who can lay her in his bed is like a lord , as Absolon says as he anticipates her kiss : Kolve 's interpretation of potentially religious images within the tale is fine as far as it goes , and can justly be quoted against the allegorizers , but there is at least one aspect of the tale that refers irreducibly to a moral frame within which the tale is set : recurrent swearing of oaths by " " Seint Thomas of Kent " " , which reminds us of the framing narrative with its realistic and morally symbolic journey towards Becket 's shrine in Canterbury and the judgement of the tale-telling game just as much as John 's calling upon St Frideswide locates the tale effectively within Oxford .
10 Further , a family member may find it difficult to " let go " of the primary sufferer while he or she is in treatment and may still want to find out everything that goes on in a treatment centre on a day-to-day basis and there by continue to " fix " by proxy .
11 Oh I like everything that goes off with a bang , Jane !
12 Thus creating a succulently flavoured ham that goes perfectly with a watercress and avocado salad and a few slices of brown bread .
13 By wiping the screen with a special tissue every couple of months the electrostatic field that builds up on a monitor screen can be discharged .
14 W.J.J. Gordon wrote in his book on Synectics about hedonic response being the joy and ecstasy of the creative process , and he mentioned a factor in the joy of creativity is the release of tension that builds up as a scientist strives to solve a problem and I would further add the pleasure and relief of self-fulfilment which is a fundamental human need .
15 In one unique fish , the imperial angelfish , the juveniles are covered in white lines that curve round in a special pattern that centres all one 's attention on the tail end .
16 Just two machines , four people and gradually that got up to a reasonable size er i it grew on the back of companies like , , , manufacturing what I call the coordinated look cos knitwear was utilized for bringing other things together .
17 After the contestants hit their tee shots to the splendid par-3 that sits out on a bluff high above the boiling Pacific surf , they take their leave of the gallery until they return to the contiguous United States via Cypress ' par-4 17th hole .
18 It is a specially designed kit that fits simply into a 5 in ( 13cm ) pot creating 4 , 6 or 8 compartments to hold individual seedlings .
19 Water pipes in the loft and in any unheated room , such as a utility room , should be lagged with strips of insulating material wrapped around and around , or with special preformed insulation that fits neatly around a pipe .
20 From The Nab , it is a short walk to the summit , marked by an Ordnance Survey column that fits snugly into a stone wind shelter .
21 These kindly present-buying people will be set upon immediately by the old cake-shop lady , who will convince them that what all ‘ the young people ’ are going for are these lovely olive green PVC capes that fit nicely over a rucksack .
22 The old bill that bounced back like a bad penny .
23 The people who are seizing and occupying the present time can not belong in my colour , they 're like the bits that leap out of a spinning bowl , too heavy , too separate and distinct to be blended in with the other substances ; red-hot stones , flung out and setting on fire the place where they land .
24 The answer is that they will become superfluous , to be replaced by a new prototype that looks remarkably like a rugby league player .
25 It too regards greenfly as a good meal , so do n't go bashing at everything that looks remotely like a wasp .
26 This came as something of a surprise , for nothing Victor Saunders had told me about the Priut refuge quite prepared me for my first sight of this three-storey silver sausage — an amazing futuristic construction with a dining room that looks out on a wonderland of peaks , and with some four-bedded dormitories which , if you 're lucky enough to be allocated one , ensures a degree of comfort far different from alpine-style overcrowding .
27 Appropriately enough , we met in the Hominid Room of the Natural History museum , a light spacious rectangular chamber with a glass wall on one side that looks out on a grassy park .
28 And remember that the benefits wo n't usually change with inflation — so a figure that looks more like a telephone number now than a pension may be much smaller , in real terms , when you retire .
29 Some butterflies have a rear end that looks more like a head than their real heads .
30 The dawn played strange tricks with the pond : it was no longer a muddy puddle , less than ten yards in diameter , but a shining expanse of water , tinted red and silver , and fringed by a belt of trees that seemed more like a forest than the overgrown shrubbery it really was .
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