Example sentences of "that [noun] have to be " in BNC.

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1 The fact that adjectives have to be placed in front of nouns in English , for instance , means that their occurrence in this position has little or no significance because it is not the result of choice .
2 Slowing down means that roads have to be crossed with more care and that bad road and pavement conditions are greater hazards .
3 The poll asked : ‘ In building roads it sometimes happens that roads have to be built through or across sites of natural beauty or historical interest .
4 The test now is whether the degree of carelessness amounted to gross or blatant negligence , recognising the practicalities of everyday life and that risks have to be undertaken .
5 Following the case of Sofi v Prudential and the 1989 I O B Report the test now is whether the degree of carelessness amounted to gross or blatant negligence , recognising the practicalities of everyday life and that risks have to be undertaken .
6 We all are aware that funds have to be generated but it , it causes a lot of membership .
7 The Law Society , recognising that savings have to be found , has put together a package of proposals which would give the looked-for savings but would not have the damaging effects of the Government 's plans .
8 There is also emphasis on the Budget , in that variances have to be explained , which is more typical of the Government .
9 Ideas have to begin somewhere , a point which tends to be overlooked by those who seize on leaked internal government memoranda floating a proposal at a formative stage of the idea and criticize both the content of the proposal and the secrecy which surrounds it , without reflecting that ideas have to be shaped by discussion and given preliminary approval as worthy of examination before they can go out under the imprimatur of the organizing body .
10 Secondly it says that for pedestrian severance , that changes have to be of the degree of thirty percent before they become s significant .
11 And see whether or not there is basis for an agreement on that because if it is possible to get an agreement on that it is infinitely easier to persuade the government that regulations have to be written which cover all of these issues and cover all of the sectors and that therefore makes it easier to create a situation in which it is not possible for an independent company that wish to ignore the good practice guidelines to simply go ahead and do so .
12 The Israeli government has a policy of not providing funds to hospitals for capital expenditure so that resources have to be sought elsewhere .
13 Continuing demands by the Church of the colleges and courses for ever more subjects , without any increase in the time of training , means that priorities have to be set .
14 The extreme ultraviolet is part of what physicists call the vacuum ultraviolet , wavelengths shorter than about 200 nanometres which are absorbed by air so strongly that experiments have to be performed in a vacuum .
15 Care is , however , needed to ensure that decimals have to be dealt with : a version of the same task with 4 m 10 cm and 4 m 20 cm ( success rate 68 per cent ) is unlikely to test pupils ' understanding of decimals since many will deal just with the centimetres a whole number task .
16 It frequently occurs that goods have to be returned to suppliers for various reasons , e.g. damaged or defective goods .
17 What is new is perhaps the idea that people have to be encouraged or influenced to spend .
18 There is allergic asthma , there 's also exercise-induced asthma and stress-induced asthma , for example , er as far as allergic asthma is concerned , we think that people have to be exposed to the allergens er early in their life , in order to become sensitized , and once sensitized , they will respond to these allergens and er have asthma attacks .
19 The NRA admits that there are no easy solutions to the problem , and says that cases need to be looked at individually , but agrees that ways have to be found of reducing phosphate levels in the water .
20 But if they wish to visit shops , get their children to schools and use other services they have little choice — even if the price of petrol means that journeys have to be kept to the minimum .
21 The time-honoured expectation that pupils have to be told what to believe by authority in the form of parents , teachers or the state , can no longer operate today .
22 ‘ One of the fundamentals is that children have to be taught .
23 It is axiomatic that dividends have to be financed and if funds are used to pay shareholders it may be that alternative sources of capital must be tapped to provide for the investment policy .
24 Sometimes these interpretations are controversial , so much so that laws have to be passed ‘ to clarify ’ the original intention .
25 But the bottom line is that choices have to be made .
26 ( If you doubt the maths do remember that slides have to be processed at around £3.00 per roll and then mounted at around 20p per slide . )
27 Such an approach to language presentation of course means that contexts have to be contrived to motivate this lexical modification and to guide the learner in the discriminating and differential use of grammatical analysis .
28 But Mr d'Ancona points out that missions have to be seen as just the start of the process for companies serious about moving into export markets .
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