Example sentences of "that [noun] in [det] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Although activity patterns themselves do not provide much information about such qualitative goals as the choice open to an individual , or the respect in which they are held , it is at least arguable that improvements in these areas will be reflected in the variety of activities and the extent of the person 's participation in them ; and that if low levels of engagement in meaningful activity are found this reflects a genuine problem whatever other measures may indicate ( Mansell et al. , 1987 ) .
2 Black had already excluded investment in dwellings , in the social services , and in North Sea oil , on the grounds that investment in these sectors was unlikely to be affected by an accelerator principle .
3 Some of these were mixed , in the sense that investment in some sectors like chemicals was created under the ‘ tri-pé ’ policy whereby ownership was shared among state enterprises , local firms and multinationals .
4 It is also true that speakers in all classes use more standard variants in formal than in casual speech ( this is known to sociolinguists as styleshift ) .
5 Some of the most intractable problems in Scottish geology relate to the structural and metamorphic history of the Moine Series rocks of the North West and Grampian Highlands , the ages of which have been matters of controversy and speculation since the early nineteenth century because of their structural complexity , and the lack of incontrovertible and unequivocal evidence of their absolute age , and it is noteworthy that research in these areas has been led by Geological Survey scientists , sometimes with university collaboration , and sometimes without .
6 The evidence includes observations that RVI in these cells is dependent on the presence of Na + , Cl - , and HCO 3 - and furthermore , can be inhibited by amiloride and by DIDS .
7 The interesting study by Brannen and Collard ( 1982 ) on the process of seeking help when marriages are failing , suggests that kin in some ways are less important than earlier studies had suggested .
8 Later in July it was reported that factories in some regions , facing the unaccustomed pressure to make a profit , were refusing to lend out their workers to provide the usual help in bringing in the potato and vegetable harvests .
9 The US and UK press gave prominence to reports that officials in both countries might ask Group of Seven ( G-7 ) and European Community ( EC ) countries to impose commercial sanctions against Libya ( additional to the existing US and EC sanctions ) if they did not succeed in having Megrahi and Fhimah extradited .
10 Perrin believes that fishermen in many countries catch dolphins in set-nets , but are not required to report the deaths to fisheries authorities .
11 They tend also to overlook the fact that changes in these factors are gradual - a matter of small steps rather than sudden leaps or dramatic disjunctions .
12 In recent weeks the whole issue of prison conditions has been pushed to the forefront of public debate , following reports that Home Secretary Michael Howard is said to believe that conditions in many prisons are ‘ too lax ’ .
13 There is no doubt that conditions in these towns , particularly in the first half of the nineteenth century , were dreadful but Professor Hoskins seems more anxious to apportion blame for this than to explain why it happened , which is perhaps more important .
14 In addition , independent research shows that tenants in those areas where transfers to housing associations have taken place have been extremely satisfied with the service that they get and the improved repairs .
15 Perhaps no one has been persuaded of this except those — a growing number , after all — who find that knowledge in these areas is indispensable for the understanding of The Cantos and of Pound 's later translations , for instance from Sophocles .
16 Because of the clash between the interests of tourist boards and Parks , there is a clear argument that tourism in these areas should be controlled by the Parks authorities alone .
17 This means that farmers in these dales may opt to be paid a certain amount per hectare by the Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food to manage their lands so as to ensure the traditional landscape features of stone buildings , field walls and flower-rich meadows for the enjoyment of the public .
18 I know that G.P. in many ways represents a sort of ideal now .
19 It is not just because of their greater autonomy that discretion in both senses is very important to neighbourhood police .
20 But given the fact that names in such cases do behave as rigid designators , the question is , does the referential rigidity provide a sufficient criterion for distinguishing names from descriptions , and the answer to this clearly must be that it does not .
21 Dunleavy and Rhodes have noted that privatization in these sections has , ironically , involved an increase in regulation or re-regulation .
22 In the second outcome , we discover that females are more likely to be in low status jobs , and that people in such jobs are more likely to go absent , but that being female , once type of job is controlled , does not affect absentee behaviour directly .
23 It is sometimes claimed that people in many cultures are aware of the ill-effects of inbreeding ( Lindzey , 1967 ) , but nobody , as far as I know , has claimed that such knowledge is universal .
24 The metropolitan counties , such as Tyne and Wear , in which I live , have been disbanded , basically because the Government did not like their political complexion and the fact that people in those areas consistently elected Labour authorities .
25 It is also clear that reading must be accorded high priority in inner-city schools and that teachers in those schools need support in this endeavour .
26 The fact is that scientists in many areas — since calmodulin , even the molecular crowd — have started working with calcium , often without appreciating the experimental delicacy necessary , or available , to do so .
27 The other story I recall to mind about this time is that Cranwell in those days must have been the coldest spot south of the Arctic Circle and the ration of coal to fire the single stove in a billet of 22 erks took little account of the temporary hutment , Some genius had laid down that the ration of coal would he 1lb of coal every other day was sufficient to ward off armies of brass monkeys that descended on Cranwell in winter .
28 Second , the report concluded that unemployment in these estates had almost doubled during the intervening decade , and , while the proportion of women working in the area remained roughly stable , the national trend revealed a substantial rise .
29 There are various stereotype behavioural patterns that children in these families seem tend to adopt when one or other or both parents have primary addictive disease .
30 As an organisation we believe that children in these circumstances may well need support but they 're also a real resource to our society , an investment in children 's welfare and children 's education is a sound investment in the country 's future .
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