Example sentences of "i 've [vb pp] it to " in BNC.

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1 It was only when I rang her up to chase up what had happened to the she says , oh dear I 've sent it to the wrong one .
2 I 've said it to you before , but I 'll say it again .
3 I 'm afraid I , I 've only got one spare tape recorder and I 've lent it to somebody already erm
4 I 've repeated it to myself a hundred times already .
5 erm if I can bring a sample questionnaire when I 've done it to you I mean I 'll see
6 I 've explained it to him and it 's not fair on him being exposed to some of our defending in recent weeks . ’
7 You must be the fifth person I 've explained it to this month .
8 I 've explained it to Daddy . ’
9 well I 've given it to the birds in the past when I 've had
10 Yeah I 've given it to Wendy for the kids .
11 I 've given it to her .
12 Oh I 'm getting a cold here and I 'm ha but I hope I 've given it to Pete you watch !
13 Everyone says that to me , Ruth thought ; everyone wants me to bring them Undry … and I 've promised it to Fand , but I do n't know now whether she 's alive or dead .
14 I 've lifted it to my ear before my brain switches to caution , so I hold onto the handset without speaking .
15 I 've mentioned it to him and what he 's saying is come back with a firm proposal .
16 These are catalogued in um well I 've referenced it to Bartman 1990 but you 'll see more about this erm in , let me see , there 's Dennis Howitt 's book concerning psychology which has a chapter about erm child sex abuse in it and there 's also a book that the library 's got called Child Abuse Errors by Dennis Howitt as well erm which has go deals with some of these these issues and arguments too .
17 I 've put it to bed .
18 They were also at the stage when they still found funny voices funny , and Charles had his best audience in years for his Welsh , developed for Under Milk Wood ( ‘ A production which demonstrated everything the theatre can offer , except talent ’ — Nottingham Evening Post ) , his Cornish , as used in Love 's Labour 's Lost ( ‘ Charles Paris 's Costard was about as funny as an obituary notice ’ — New Statesman ) and the voice he had used as a Chinese Broker 's Man in Aladdin ( ‘ My watch said that the show only lasted two and a half hours , so I 've taken it to be repaired ’ — Glasgow Herald ) .
19 I think I can throw it away cos I 've proved it to myself that it work , the three of them .
20 I 've tried it to my peril a couple of times , and it really does get quite embarrassing , so that 's a difference , and of course on the grey handset , there 's a pitch control underneath as well as a volume control , okay , so they 're a bit more modern , but I do n't like these actually , because you ca n't hug them as easily as the cream ones , they just do n't sit on your shoulder .
21 I 've used it to erm to develop the lecture .
22 And now , I mean I 'm wanting to do , I I 've got it to stage where it 's comfortable .
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