Example sentences of "i should have [vb pp] the " in BNC.

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1 Given a set of circumstances — and of course more height — I might have completed a turn onto an adjacent runway , but from low down and with a suitable field ahead I should have treated the reduction as an engine failure , and made an early decision to land .
2 I should have flung the damned thing out of his open door so that it would bounce down the mountainside up which the road was climbing .
3 No bu I 'm sorry , the other thing I 'm sorry I should have said the other thing I 'm going on is when things were last done ,
4 I should have rang the police straightaway , should n't I ?
5 I should have sent the drinks back , but instead looked upon them as a windfall in our rather straitened circumstances .
6 With hindsight , I know I should have seen the warning signals in the man himself , which I missed through inexperience , but the result was that a cloud of depression , a sense of failure , settled over me , and also over the whole team .
7 From his next communication I should have heard the warning note :
8 ‘ I know I should have raised the alarm then and there .
9 If you had not so stupidly bade me keep quiet , I should have done the trick long since , and you would not have had to leave the place at all .
10 However , I should have done the proper cockpit checks which I certainly did ever after .
11 Well I should have done the financial
12 I should have done the Financial Times .
13 With such scenes as these continually around me , is it surprising that I should have entertained the idea of collecting examples of the indigenous Mammals of a country whose ornithological productions I had gone out expressly to investigate ? … ’
14 Oh I should have kept the other one .
15 I should have stayed the whole night in your bed , with you in my arms .
16 I should have realised the two of you were n't a couple , ’ Vitor reflected , when he had finished his sandwiches .
17 Whenever he was out he set himself the task ‘ to study how and why until I discovered how I should have played the ball that beat me ’ .
18 I should have realized the folly of my timing .
19 I should have killed the bastard , ’ Sharpe growled .
20 I should have made the connection sooner , given that the company was called Airborne Plc , but nobody 's perfect .
21 I should have turned the tape recorder off for that should n't I !
22 Until recently I should have rejected the premise that my earliest years represented some sort of attack upon my individuality and insisted that , on the contrary , I was surrounded with kindness and loving care — as indeed I was .
23 ‘ Maybe I should have joined the force like you .
24 Which is why I should have welcomed the students who wanted to talk to me about the poetry of George Darley , which a misguided colleague of mine had included in a series of lectures on the early nineteenth century , and in so doing had worried the more discerning of my students , who were failing to see any merit there .
25 I should have seized the opportunity and said to Una Stubbs , ‘ Here 's your next title , A Farewell to Arms . ’
26 I should have started the annual parish meeting at seven and followed by
27 We arrived here yesterday from Flinders at which place I was especially gratified to [ word not clear ] my acquaintance with the Natives and other things , and I should have left the island with a light heart and proceeded to Kings had [ not ] a fatal accident happened to one of the men who shot himself dead by incautiously pulling the gun from the boat with the muzzle toward his chest , the cock of the gun caught the seat of the boat and all was over with the poor fellow in half a minute .
28 If one 's opponent has anti-tank weapons I should have thought the last thing to send in would be tanks .
29 I should have known the only answer ever is to stand and fight .
30 I had known that open fields lay at the end of the runway , so I should have closed the throttle earlier and completed the familiar drill .
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