Example sentences of "i had n't [verb] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Oh I wish I had n't to go out tonight
2 You see , I had just graduated to the position of providing a horse and cart , and any amount of people wanted that job so I would have lost it , maybe for good , if I had n't turned up .
3 The greatest relief was that I had n't called in on my way down or I would have been with them .
4 Wish I had n't messed up every relationship I ever had . ’
5 ‘ Er , actually , I had n't run out .
6 I had n't given up , but that was an ever-present temptation which had to be fought .
7 ‘ I wish I had n't given up , ’ Alison was saying , ‘ it was just lack of courage . ’
8 ‘ I 'd put the new tyre on , but I had n't tightened up the wheel . ’
9 ‘ If I had n't leaned out of the rowboat so far … ’
10 I suppose if I had n't gone back into that room they 'd have found some other way of leaving the message . ’
11 It soon became reasonably certain that I had n't picked up any kind of tails or bugs , and so I could begin to relax .
12 I had n't picked up on it , and he had no hand at all in your coming to work for me .
13 It might have continued like this indefinitely if I had n't picked up a copy of the Kensington News , a paper Daphne took so she could find out what was showing at the local picture house .
14 Er yeah I had n't finished off this that 's probably what the problem was .
15 Which I had n't known about or my mother and otherwise living near enough they could have s done that school and gone through from five years to er fourteen .
16 There was a shoe in the flowerbed that I had n't known about .
17 ‘ He was last year about now but Easter 's late , I had n't thought on , and he 'll not move down until Palm Sunday like as not , and if he 's still over on the mountain he 'll be up Three Valleys Pass and that 's an hour and a half of a walk for him , going as the crow flies , but longer for us in the jeep because there 's no direct road — and then to get at him we 'd have to take a cart track that 'll be more like a river bed after yesterday 's rain .
18 I discussed my feelings with the woman in question and I slept with her , but I deeply regretted it later on and was sorry that I had n't weighed up the consequences more thoroughly beforehand .
19 I guess that if I had n't taken up the trenchcoat and fedora to walk the alleyways of history as the greatest detective of them all , I might well have become a poet .
20 It was a figure in a mask and a jacksuit with all this gear in pockets all over it , and she had a headset , and one for me , one like I would have had on if I had n't taken off in such a hurry , and she had jets , which no Gnat would have been seen dead with .
21 I 'd forgotten there was a new pair in the wardrobe with , still with the labels on I had n't taken off .
22 What would everyone back at the cafe have thought when , for the first time in eight months , I had n't shown up for work ?
23 And the reason why they were shoved under the bed was because I had n't got round to sort of you know , doing anything about it sort of thing .
24 Well I had n't got down to the R yet I had n't reached
25 In fact , if I had n't rung through to the police station we 'd have had a squad car on our doorstep by now . ’
26 ‘ I could n't have lived with myself if I had n't put up a fight on behalf of the men . ’
27 After giving you the brush-off , as you thought , and then bellowing and being so bloody judgemental at the time Simon crashed , I had n't come over as either sensitive or supportive .
28 I was n't even gon na tell Scott I had n't come on !
29 And then , quite suddenly and unwished , the thought : ‘ Wish I had n't come back . ’
30 I had n't sat down because he had n't asked me to .
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