Example sentences of "i would [vb infin] you to " in BNC.

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1 Okay well I know I know you said that you were looking at one or two other things and quite honestly I would expect you to be .
2 Yes I would expect you to be looking for a salary and wherever
3 So I would venture to suggest that if I 'm interviewing you as the Environmental Health Officer for a particular council on a council matter , then I would expect you to only speak on behalf of the council — unless I asked you whether your professional body was happy with your council 's policy .
4 I would refer you to the Act dealing with press-gangs " ; and then , " Tupper , what will you do if this thing is forced upon us ? "
5 I would refer you to the late .
6 For further details of the factory , quarry and railway system I would refer you to the book Cuxton , a Kentish Village .
7 Will the p petitioners please come forward I would welcome you to the meeting .
8 So I would advise you to you know complete that form at the outset really just for your for your own sake .
9 An example of this differential sentencing policy was reported in the Guardian 18 August , 1980 , which quoted a male judge , who told a female defendant , ‘ If you were a man I would send you to prison without hesitation ’ .
10 Allied to this advice , I would counsel you to be very careful if you are using figures from real life in your story .
11 He said formally , ‘ I would like you to be present at the boatyard tomorrow morning . ’
12 ‘ I have been asked to supply the models and I would like you to be one of them . ’
13 I would like you to consciously attempt to reduce the negative elements in your life .
14 The formula here is to say : ‘ I understand that you [ state how you think they feel ] but I would like you to … ’
15 I think I would like you to . ’
16 As I say , I would like you to be in fairly close proximity to where I am so that you can see what I 'm doing and hear what I 'm saying .
17 I would like you to be happy too . ’
18 Erm but we 'll do the questions together as a class and I would like you to just speak one at a time , otherwise it will all get blurry .
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