Example sentences of "i have never [vb pp] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Very occasionally a new phrase disconcertingly emerges which I have never heard before .
2 I , I , I know , I 'd , I have never heard never heard .
3 I frankly ca n't deal in the time allowed with what Mr said , I have never heard so many inaccuracies and misconceptions in a speech , it was the most comprehensive political suicide speech I 've heard yet in this council .
4 ‘ And I have never turned down any woman for a job on the grounds that she might go and get married , or have a baby , thus necessitating six months ’ paid maternity leave . ’
5 I have never cared much for men who are all man : they are the ones who smugly believe they must be irresistible to me , and take elaborately cautious steps to protect their priceless male virginity from what they seem to imagine will be my marauding hands .
6 It is a river I know well , but a stretch I have never fished before , and when I see it I wonder why .
7 I have to observe that there are some business leaders who have apparently succeeded in doing this , very frequently by forming conglomerates ; but I have never believed very much in the conglomerate .
8 Self-important democratic politicians who have been themselves well-treated by tyrants of all stripes come dangerously close to the stance of classic fellow-travellers like George Bernard Shaw — in Shaw 's words , as seven million starved to death in Russia in 1932 , ‘ I have never eaten so well . ’
9 Percy took her hand , saying , ‘ Definitely my art is diffused , but I have never stooped so low as to even touch a guitar . ’
10 In a remarkable letter which he wrote in nineteen-eighteen , he said , ‘ I must , before I die , find some way to say the essential thing that is in me , that I have never said yet , a thing that is not love , or hate , or pity , or scorn , but the very breath of life , fierce and coming from far away , bringing into human life the vastness and the fearful passionless force of non-human things . ’
11 Just last week , he said : ‘ I have never received so many positive letters from supporters .
12 I have never cooked here , have I ? ’
13 I have never understood why . ’
14 I have never understood why she was criticised by the Opposition for speaking up for Britain , but I am not exactly clear about their present position , except that they seem to be claiming that they can negotiate better conditions than the Government , despite their failure when in government in 1975 to negotiate proper terms for our entry .
15 Referring to the theatre 's revolving stage , the Prince joked : ‘ I have never hoped more than now that I might revolve round there behind the scenes . ’
16 ‘ The first person I would phone should I wish to sign Davies would be the Widnes chairman Jim Mills and I have never done so . ’
17 ‘ But I did not declare for the Light-Bringer , and I have never done so since .
18 Sex , when properly understood , is one of the greatest human pleasures , and I have never seen why the older generation should be so niggardly about passing on the information .
19 Many of the Officers and other ranks who landed on D-Day have been replaced by faces I have never seen before .
20 After his death , I learnt not to shut him out of my life and now I feel a comforting sense of continuity when I go through the boxes and find little notes by him which I have never seen before .
21 This one I have never seen before .
22 I have never seen better .
23 Item 9 : is a rare brooch , I have never seen so complete a version until now .
24 I have never seen so active an audience ’ , wrote Tom McGrath in the following week 's Peace News .
25 I have never seen so many unemployed and homeless people begging on the streets of London .
26 the stuff I have never seen so much stuff .
27 I have never banged away with fifteen strangers in a back street in Ashton before .
28 I have never felt as strong as this in my whole life . ’
29 But now , it sounds crazy but I have never felt so happy . ’
30 I 'm not very good at listening to God , but between one and three am God spoke to me so powerfully and painfully that I have never felt so broken before him ( and still do ) .
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