Example sentences of "i have [to-vb] [conj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I have been a lifelong Labour supporter , but I have to say that under the present Government I was able to save in my last years at work without seeing my savings disappear in inflation .
2 And he revealed : ‘ A deal was agreed with Frank Williams before that race in front of a witness and I have to say that at the time I felt very , good about racing again with Williams in 1993 .
3 But I have to say that at that time I still did n't know , I had a good idea , that it was n't the man we were looking for but therefore he was still arrested and he was arrested on sus well for harbouring an escapee .
4 Well I have to say that as a result of last night 's session I have a much healthier view of Hydro Electric and I do so would I have got that from the programme ?
5 Having said that , however , I have to say that from a Christian point of view the Hayekian ( or Friedmanian ) system is fundamentally at variance with what I conceive of as a Christian view of reality .
6 I have to say that from my point of view — and this is only my point of view — it is not a page-turner .
7 ‘ At the risk of deeply shocking you , I have to say that in relation to small claims , we have to get rid of the lawyers . ’
8 I have to say that in no way will this option be better than the colour changer , because for Norwegian jacquard , you will still have to make a semi-automatic colour change with the jacquard claw every two rows and this is slower .
9 I must n't become a bore on the subject , but I have to say that in physical terms Tod and I are now feeling absolutely terrific .
10 I have to say that in terms of violent crime generally the amount of it in the United Kingdom is small compared with that in other countries and , if I may say so , here in Washington . ’
11 Right because I have to put that on my notes you see and I
12 I have to move that under section one hundred A brackets four , the Local Government Act nineteen seventy-two .
13 ‘ I 'm not questioning your judgement but I have to ask whether in view of what followed you have had any doubts ? ’
14 I have to confess that on that , in so far as those that I 've attended , and I 've had a couple in my area I have to confess my surprise at the efficiency of them !
15 I have to confess that on many occasions I have had recourse to Hansard , of course only to check if my interpretation had conflicted with an express Parliamentary intention , but I can say that it does not take long to recall and assemble the relevant passages in which the particular section was dealt with in Parliament , nor does it take long to see if anything relevant was said .
16 Although I have to confess that at present , during a time of recession , it is increasingly difficult to attract the backing of galleries for such shows and , indeed , to have the personal confidence to finance and promote them oneself , the solo exhibition remains an important event to which every serious artist occasionally ought to aspire .
17 Teachers of English offered more substantial criticisms of the literature chapter , and I have to admit that on occasions they had justification for their worries .
18 I have to admit that on a good day I find little at all wrong with the prospect of a ride in a new BMW , and Patterson was obviously well-pleased with his material rewards of Yuppiedom .
19 I have to admit that at first it was n't completely right .
20 I have to admit that at this stage I was still wondering if this was just one of those gimmicky fashions that organizations , educational as well as industrial , go through occasionally .
21 I have to admit that after three years of using Q&A I have n't memorized all of the mainly function key-driven keyboard shortcuts , but those that I ca n't remember are easily brought back to mind with a tap of the F1 key which lists them .
22 I have to admit that in my own university tutorials references to Dennis Potter 's television series The Singing Detective or to the film Dead Poets Society arouse enthusiasm from students who have little to say about writers such as Spenser , Milton and Pope .
23 But I have to admit that in the past I have been offended by people saying that it 's just formula for me to play melodies and structures that come to me very naturally .
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