Example sentences of "i i [verb] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Well I mean , I I take the Express
2 But I I take the sentiment of Mr 's comment .
3 I I 've a feeling that er she may be seeing individual students this Friday er and that 's all so er I do n't think there will be a tutorial .
4 We 're gon na do an annual report and I I 've no problem with that .
5 I will ring him again this afternoon , but it 's May day and I I 've no doubt that Beeston wo n't be authorising their C P Os to work on a bank holiday
6 Erm I I 've no wish to run through all the points er again that erm Mr and er Miss have have made in regard to the southwest sector .
7 I I know a barn dance caller who 's recently offered his services .
8 I I know the question about rent was mentioned but , I 'm just talking generally now , I asked this question to another housing association how do you justify rents of sixty pounds and above for accommodation and social housing ?
9 er , we have in the East end of the village , including the pub , the farm , and various other properties , a certain type of properties that elevation , a certain sympathetic er amenity , and these buildings , I I heard the word mentioned earlier , I live in the country , I could live in the town , it does n't matter where I live , but these are not the sort of properties , in my opinion , that should be put on this particular site , er and they 're they 're totally , all our own elevations and plans of height , and they are totally and utterly out of proportion and out of scale with the present day entrance to the village , and whilst we 're not talking totally and utterly about looks , if you come down into the village they are going to be totally over powering , particularly in the , in the actual , in this situation of no hedges and that kind of thing ,
10 I mean I I , I I drove the minibus with only somebody in with me before I drove out with people in it .
11 Y'know I I drove the minibus with only somebody in with me before I drove it with people in it
12 I have some illustrative figures in front of me erm which I I thought a question of this nature might , might crop up , erm th the figures are n't absolutely accurate , they were pulled off the file very quickly and er they may be out by er er er er a small amount , but they , they certainly illustrate the point .
13 Unfortunately I ruined the film I I thought the film had erm wound on finished and it had and it the batteries had gone flat so it had n't , so I opened it and I lost all the .
14 Cos I I got a watch and it says five past twelve , but it 's more than that !
15 I I got a dog .
16 I I got a hat too look at my
17 At last , I I got a letter !
18 And and and and across the board there has been a cut of er , er of of of just below fifteen per cent , that that the that er er , our cut is forty five per cent , and and I mean , it er , it it it does er er create problems , there 's no doubt about it , and that I I got the letter from er which er , Rod instructed to come along to the department to me yesterday , in fact , I did refer very briefly to it , 'cos I 'm gon na just before the meeting that er er it it sets out saying that it was a very generous set settlement for ninety-three , ninety-four .
19 I du n no I I got the gist of what Lynne was saying and I was concentrating but maybe I was concentrating too hard because I was getting most of it right was n't I but it
20 Well I I get a bit annoyed actually because like I said
21 Erm I I get the impression from what you 're saying is that there is a distinct strategic view which should be taken about York and its role , which in a way would tend to limit the amount of housing development you should be putting in and around York .
22 I I 'd no idea he he 'd actually he 'd actually said something like like that .
23 I I fear the opposite .
24 Ye , yesterday afternoon , as a matter of fact , I walked up to the gate and I come back and I just walked across the lawn and I I felt the sun .
25 and I reckon he broke them but he says he 's no broken but I I I felt the tooth in two side of my mouth so I just stopped the treatment there and I 'm going to another dentist some time but my wife , I do n't want to go there now cos money 's tight , I was on the D H S S , I was due to pay the first forty nine pound .
26 And I , like Mr ask that this issue should in fact be addressed , we should be looking at their total responsibilities , and I I support the action of the budget review in saying that er , we should be looking at this with a view to it being a corporate responsibility .
27 I I brought a barrel of lager for er from downstairs and then it 's all that we had .
28 I I I dislike the concern about the communication level between the general manager and the board .
29 I I had a set a full set of music which I I er er was at the W I hall , and has now gone .
30 I I had a month 's prescription , I came off of it .
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