Example sentences of "i think i [was/were] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Who did I think I was imagining glibly that I could bring up a child all by myself ?
2 I had nearly got myself killed back there : what on earth did I think I was playing at ?
3 I thought I was managing to hide it . ’
4 ‘ I wondered this afternoon if something was wrong , then when she belittled her headache I thought I was over-reacting . ’
5 I thought I was meeting a man .
6 I thought I was helping , but I just want to throw the coffee out of the window .
7 Well , I called in there today for cigars and I saw this young woman ; and you remember the one that was in the sweet shop , she was so nice and obliging ; well I thought I was looking at her twin .
8 At first glance I thought I was looking at a cross between a gibbon and a goat .
9 It was the sort of look between us which would have started alert interest in me if I 'd spotted it between others , and I thought I was hear to losing my grip on what I was supposed to be doing , and that I 'd better be more careful .
10 I thought I was tricked !
11 And I thought I was enjoying it . ’
12 ‘ If I thought I was causing any pain to the fish I would n't go fishing and I think all anglers feel that way , ’ he says .
13 So every time I thought I was dropping off they 'd start .
14 Those G Ps told me , I thought I was listening to my own speeches to be honest , from about a year or two ago .
15 The first time i spotted a puffin I thought I was seeing things .
16 I thought I was seeing a ghost .
17 ‘ Good God in heaven , I thought I was seeing ghosts ! ’
18 After landing on Kiwi soil , the Kerryman smiled : ‘ I thought I was seeing double the airport we touched down at was called Kerikeri ! ’
19 I told them I thought I was hooked .
20 I thought I was getting David and maybe a few personal possessions , but when he actually turned up , he was with a friend in a very large van , and this rather ethereal , thin , slightly spotty figure that was David in those days , dressed in extremely scruffy clothes , emerged from this van carrying a twelve string guitar , which it transpired was a present from Pete Townshend .
21 The teachers were very helpful and caring , and for the first few days I thought I was getting on quite well with my new classmates .
22 I thought I was getting you to . ’
23 Then a reaction set in , I thought I was getting a silly schoolgirl hero-pash on him , and the other thing began to happen .
24 I thought I was getting to him .
25 Take one of those , I 've taken one , take loads of copies Three procedures coming out I thought I was getting it already anyway laughing scattering the whole process .
26 I thought I was getting the hang of it quite well ! ’
27 As there were a number of Wall 's stickers on the van , I thought I was getting ices of their make .
28 I thought I was getting Steven .
29 it was only ten to eight and I got up because I thought I was getting late for work and I 'd better get moving .
30 I thought I was taking a heart attack , but er Doctor gave me a rub of that Di Difa Dif
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