Example sentences of "i can have a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Today I can have a drink like the next man without going over the top , ’ he wrote in his self-confessional biography , ‘ I suppose I have learned my lesson the hard way . ’
2 What I really want is to meet someone who I can have a bit of fun with , but who is in it for the pleasure and does n't want paying .
3 What ? so I can have a bit .
4 tonight , if you 're gon na have that , oh I can have a bit some other night then
5 For those of you who think self-employed actually means well I can crawl out of bed at elevenish , work till fourish , that 's three days a week because the other two days I can have a couple of rounds of golf , Thursday and Friday , those of you who think that 's what self-employed means , are gon na fail .
6 Mum I know Julia 's trying to find out I need n't go to school on Thursday so I can have a lie in
7 Oh does she , I , I mean I can have a word with little kids always .
8 I would go at it like mad and when the middle bit came I would think , ‘ Thank God , I can have a rest , ’ says Charman .
9 MAX : You mean I can have a go at the tune ?
10 I can have a go but er like I said to you
11 ‘ She comes in first thing , but steer clear until about nine o'clock so I can have a chance to explain things . ’
12 ‘ She 's having a short stay in hospital at the moment so that I can have a holiday .
13 I 've had another word with Personnel and they say that even though I ca n't have any more full-timers , I can have a part-timer to help me with making the sandwiches in the morning and clearing up last thing at night .
14 Open me post now for the first time , oh oh that 's nice oh I can have a update for supply teachers , Wednesday the fifteenth of April , you baby sit for me ?
15 It 's about 1½ ″ below my shoulders and I am trying to grow it so that I can have a style that 's cut straight across the bottom .
16 I can have a look at what 's there .
17 I can have a look at them , now in the catalogue .
18 Hey , if we go over and toys and get my , my thing tested I can have a look at them , see which one
19 No , I 've got to revise for my erm science test tomorrow and I 've got loads of stuff to do , I 've got to keep going for the weekend , actually I have n't got that much to do , I 've got drama that I can do if you just would be so kind turn over to number three so I can have a look at some adverts I 've got a , will there be any adverts after
20 The odd day here and there is not important , but if you could let me know within the next couple of weeks or so when you intend to take a major part of your holiday away — if you know — I do n't myself know erm yet — but if you do know then I can have a look at the overall picture and see that we 're not all dispersed .
21 " This lawyer fellow says I can have a flat in the stableyard . "
22 If I can have a game of polo I feel five hundred times better in my mental outlook .
23 I , I mean I can have a sausage roll and a piece of cake
24 But I can have a lot of fun before they catch up with me , if they ever do .
25 I can have a lot of respect for women in National Liberation struggles .
26 Only if I can have a lump of your bread .
27 If they throw me in prison , at least I know that with Famagusta and maybe a rodent or two from my cell , I can have a meal fit for a Borgia . ’
28 And they told me that I can have a job back there any time I want . ’
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