Example sentences of "i can [verb] [prep] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 I know what you 're doing , I can tell by your face
2 I can tell by his face that he has not been successful .
3 I can tell from its whiteness , its crispness .
4 I can tell from your tone something else is terribly wrong .
5 Sometimes I can tell from my clothes that my weight has changed , either up or down , but it does n't fill me with panic or even very much interest .
6 I can tell from his expression .
7 Nor at home , as far as I can tell from his servants .
8 I can confirm to my hon. Friend that we will not remove the limit and impose an extra 9 per cent .
9 Something I can tuck underneath my arm and use to get about with . ’
10 I can care about my patients , and I sincerely hope that you will make it possible for my patients when their diagnosis is made , to have that knowledge that financially , he has a great tomorrow .
11 I can sympathise with your problem Ms. Taylor .
12 So , now that we know what both of these terms entail , I can continue with your full understanding .
13 I know I can improve on my acting by taking on more demanding roles , performances that are more difficult than playing Charlene day in day out .
14 We work well together , I respect him as a professional , I can laugh at his jokes and I can even accept that his genius probably entitles him to live by a set of standards most of us do n't even recognise as standards — but that 's it ! ’
15 Perhaps I can intrude into my own column again at this point to reinforce the message .
16 The only light I use at night is a small torch which I can grip in my mouth while using both hands to bait up , sharpen or change hooks , or make any other adjustments to my tackle .
17 Having worked closely with Roger Chorley in the Royal Geographical Society during the past three years , I can attest to his tremendous energy , initiative and perception .
18 I know of many clusters which I can resolve with my × 20 binoculars , but not with × 12 or lower .
19 ‘ As far as I can gather from my limited field work they seem to be produced on every possible and impossible occasion .
20 But from what I can gather from his scrawls you 're doing a good job . ’
21 ‘ You will be vexed to hear that some of the birds said to be in your last package from Sydney were missing : by what I can gather from your list they formed the whole of one of the smaller packages .
22 All the vibrato I want I can do with my left hand fingers and I despise the sound of dive bombs and squeals .
23 The plain fact of the matter is , there is nothing I can do for your wife . ’
24 In my capacity as my own analyst I feel that the least I can do for my patient , and my readers , is precisely to ‘ let the case material speak for itself ’ .
25 I can do without her occasional cute and annoying Joni Mitchell vocal mannerisms while a line like ‘ in the down of a feathered heart in flight ’ is too florid by far .
26 ‘ In that case , ’ he said spitefully , ‘ I can do without your assistance on how I should manage my affairs .
27 I can do without your carping first thing . ’
28 ‘ I know I can rely upon your discretion , mum 's the word , ’ his constituency chairman continued , ‘ but all the publicity she has been getting has gone to her head .
29 I can sleep in their tent and go into the forbidden zone with them tomorrow .
30 As a member of the West Yorkshire Society 's Club , which was formed in September last year , I can testify to its role in raising morale and the efficacy of one 's personal presentation ; and there is one particular aspect which I feel must be placed on record .
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