Example sentences of "i would [verb] be [that] " in BNC.

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1 But what I 'd suggest is that we 're actually er will prepare today , this afternoon , an amended version er of that diagram which we can then er er pass to Mr and Mr for comment .
2 Well , i i if I , the , on one of the comments I 'd make is that it 's the only time I 've ever known the accounting profession to do businessmen a favour by forcing them to face up to what the costs of the consequences of their actions are and this has as James said led to looking quite carefully and I think it 's difficult to quantify the cost at the moment for a variety of reasons .
3 All I 'd say is that I do n't quite agree with Stuart 's description of that summer with Oliver .
4 The other thing I 'd say is that the budget settlement that we 've got introduces a further hundred thousand of investment in new technology , and this is part of our push to making us more efficient in the way we manage our budgets and all the rest of it .
5 I think it 's terrific , the only proviso I would make is that I 'm not prepared to do a parachute jump .
6 The only point I would make is that you must wait until they are willing reflectively to turn around before you start operating with the abstractions .
7 The only point that I would make is that if you are giving an opiate it will have many of the same effects and if I had to choose , I would probably prefer the opiate to diazepam .
8 erm , where I set out my interpretation of what that means , and I do n't think it 's very helpful to read that out to you , but I think you will find that it 's er erm a very broad er description of what the new settlement should be seeking to achieve , now Mr erm I think has misunderstood our position on this question of erm the appropriate size for the new settlement , and I think if I 'm correct he suggested that we were promoting a a size of fourteen hundred , the point I think I would make is that the larger the new settlement erm the greater the range and the quality of services and facilities that can be provided , and I think you have to distinguish between what developers say they are prepared to provide , on the one hand in a new settlement , whatever the size , the quality of the retail or recreational social facility that occupies that physical provision , and also its long term viability , and I would suggest that a larger new settlement of the size that we are suggesting , is much more likely to er attract a range of quality providers of services and facilities than a smaller new settlement , and also Mr Grantham er raised the issue of the question of the development program , and what might be expected in terms of services and erm during the development program , and of course I think that would be a matter for any specific proposal , or a ma a matter of discussion between the local planning authority concerned and the developer , and I would expect it to be something erm that was included within a section one O six agreement .
9 And therefore , the point I would make is that I disagree with the weighting or the the two ticks given to the A sixty four south in in Mr 's assessment .
10 One of the few complaints which I would make is that the actor looks much too spruce for someone who is living rough in every sense of the word — forever dossing down in stations and trains and consuming endless quantities of the most vicious liquors .
11 Lastly , John , one of the observations I would make is that a lot of astronomers I know are people who seem to have quite strong religious convictions .
12 The other point I would make is that our company policy is that we write to every policy holder when we receive their policy .
13 What I would suggest is that you seize the opportunity to buy … while the price is right .
14 What I would suggest is that you pick up 1,000 shares now at …
15 So what we 've got to say to the County Council I would suggest is that this is a training course similar to those we always got release for branch officials and shop stewards so why should you turn your nose up at this training course ?
16 Er we 've got one month in which to do it basically erm so what I would suggest is that the officers of the three unions represented here apply for paid release first of all to or , presumably it will be Geoff the Chief Personnel Officer .
17 Erm it 's it 's quite an interesting erm er , addition to the er original proposal but clearly members will need to take a view as to whether er they want erm the Environment Trust to do that but erm , er what I would suggest is that we bring back er , some final proposals from Environment Trust at the next meeting er , for members to have a look at .
18 that say there , but what I would suggest is that if we do this , if we actually train up , pay for a number of our staff to be trained , we have a unique selling point .
19 What , yeah , what I would suggest is that if you have some existing bookings , then , if you have two existing bookings then you just have those , you just you , you , you
20 So what I would suggest is that we reply to this for you .
21 So , what I would suggest is that you certainly have a word with the police and draw their attention to it and if anybody listening has parked their car there , do please consider just how safe it is where you 're parking and think of other people .
22 It would seem to me that if you 've got to prove a case that there that it is the place of last resort , and that place of last resort has got to be at least five thousand dwellings , you are in a place where there is absolute massive growth of demand , and improbably no one has been able to meet a five year supply of housing land , if you are to meet it in the term , if y if those are the criteria to meeting the terms of th of this sort of plan , and in fact what I would submit is that a new settlement solution is very much a part and parcel of a long term solution , and that 's where essentially the County strategy is quite right in proposing a new settlement in the context of the greenbelt , because also greenbelt is a long term solution .
23 ‘ One thing I would say is that we get inundated with rent-a-quote demands .
24 ‘ All I would say is that he deserves the chance to keep on going and defend his title . ’
25 But what I would say is that we should perhaps er er you know identify areas where we think we might erm where discussion would be fruitful and then we could marshall the information if we , if we wished to .
26 All I would say is that the principle of fairness , though concerned exclusively with the use of evidence at trial , is not susceptible to categorisation or classification and is wide enough in some circumstances to embrace the way in which , after the crime , evidence has been obtained from the accused .
27 The other thing I would say is that the corporation were not at liberty to disregard their undertaking .
28 What I would say is that the power of the local planning authority to resist development on these sites would be materially reduced were the initial negative presumption against development afforded by greenbelt status removed from them .
29 One of the virtues of parental investment er theory I would say is that er it 's particularly sensitive to female interests in , in in sexuality and nobody who knows me or has read er my works would , could possibly suspect me here of fashionable feminist prejudices er so I do n't say this because I think this is what people like to hear , but because I happen to think it 's true , I 'm afraid I 'm one of these old-fashioned and you may think stupid people who believe that you should er say things cos you think they 're true , not because you think er it 's what you think want w want to hear or if you say it , you 'll be accused of sexual harassment by a lecturer as I was last year .
30 Now I am able to say that Barton Willmore has done this work , and it has submitted as part of our submission to the E I P , and in summary what I would say is that I believe that that work demonstrates that the new settlement has to be in the order of two thousand to two thousand five hundred dwellings , to begin to achieve the environmental objectives set for the new settlement , and also social objectives which would also be important to the residents of that new settlement .
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