Example sentences of "i have [to-vb] he [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I had to push him into taking his annual leave .
2 He got out of the planes coming , we , we was coming over from de Laborgie and you give him the needle and I had to lead him off the lead him off the plane , and going down over the chimneys in Chantilly to landu Laborgie he goes , woo ooh ooh , getting ready you know .
3 And then , suddenly , I had to see him as a MAN — my husband !
4 I had to take him on more or less from the first .
5 I had to take him on trust on that .
6 Then I had to take him to a big detached house divided into flats .
7 ‘ Beside all that , ’ Robert said , ‘ I had to take him into the city , and he was n't real keen — I 'm sure he prefers Sydney to London . ’
8 It was such a collective experience that John was n't mine any more , I had to share him with all these people , each with different motivations and reasons for being here .
9 But of course I had to remove him from the field . ’
10 Oh , and he asked if I 'd ever seen Angy having any kind of disagreement with anyone and I had to tell him about that little contretemps with Mr Willard and young Godfrey Mellish . ’
11 I think he 's telling the truth now but I had to threaten him with the Juvenile Bureau , the Welfare and God knows what before he did .
12 But I could n't let go of him , I had to get him to the cops .
13 Five or ten minutes by there , and getting introduced to all the old colliers that were in the same manhole , that we called it : I started down then to follow my father ; and I had to follow him like a little dog , all the way .
14 Eric and I had to restrain him at times when he wanted to do something like throw little Paul into the water to see if he 'd float , or like when he wanted to fell a tree over the railway line that goes through Porteneil , but as a rule we got on surprisingly well , even though it rankled to see Eric , who was the same age as Blyth , obviously in fear of him .
15 I have to quiz him about everything and even then he wo n't tell the whole truth .
16 I have to put him into kennels tomorrow as I have to go away for some time and they insist that he be fully vaccinated . ’
17 I have to put him to bed .
18 I have to sit him in the bath and
19 I have to thank him for that .
20 Instead of having Matt to myself , when I have n't seen him for months and months , I have to share him with this wretched woman who ca n't get her act together !
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