Example sentences of "i be [adv] [verb] is " in BNC.

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1 I will be dealing with seven ( although another claim I am not making is that of exhaustiveness ) : affection , status , stimulation , autonomy , security , money and belief .
2 I am referring , after all , to a series of very minor errors on my part and the course I am now pursuing is merely a means of pre-empting any ‘ problems ’ before one arises .
3 One or two of the old films are now on CD video because they are important documents of certain artists , but the way we are filming and editing the films I am now making is completely different We have learnt a very great deal in these years and so we forget about the older films just as you would n't dream of driving around in a thirty-year-old car .
4 One of the questions I am occasionally asked is ‘ Why does the Institute bother ? ’
5 ‘ To say I am absolutely gutted is a total understatement — but if he thinks this is the end of the matter , he 's got another shock coming .
6 I realise what I am about to say is funny , but it gives an insight to Carl 's eccentricity .
7 The area of work I am about to discuss is one in which relatively little social work time has been invested .
8 What I 'm also saying is that , that in terms of
9 ‘ What I 'm not offering is an easy passage with an eye on the clock . ’
10 The issue , the point I 'm trying to make is that in talking for all of the bodies , whether I 'm talking about for the council or whether I 'm talking about them at the same time or separately , one thing I 'm not doing is talking from my point of view .
11 ‘ So my own cottage on the Donegal shore where I can slip away when I 'm not filming is the answer .
12 This log I 'm about to carve is alder , a resonant wood , used when making the sound box of a harp … ‘
13 So , gentlemen , what I 'm really doing is to show you a bit of the background and the fact that it 's not all doom and gloom there is a hell of a light at the tunnel and in matter of fact , we got another lecture on the channel tunnel in a few days time !
14 I suppose what I 'm really saying is that we should stop for a second each time we leap to elevate some young lad or lass to godlike status for a fifteen second guitar solo , and think about Paul McCartney penning Yesterday at age 23 .
15 But if it 's not required by law , then I can not issue , and if people ask for advice we are obliged under Fire Services , the Fire Services Act to give that advice , but what I 'm really saying is that with the , the pressure of work on the Fire Safety Department , it 's likely that if it 's a fairly low risk to life , we 'll never get round to it , and that 's the honest truth .
16 I mean for example if they walked in the room right now I 'm sure you 'd introduce me so I 'm really saying is look can you give me a telephone number , I 'll give them a chat and in fact , by the way , if you do see him within the next couple of days or so please give him a shout , let me know that you 've been quite excited about some of the ideas that I 've shown you this evening , I wan na do the same thing for him , you know , nothing gained nothing ventured nothing lost .
17 you 'd be expected to , to do a lot of work by yourself , and that 's reflecting the fact that erm you 'll probably have four or five lessons in each of your three subjects , but most people would choose three subjects for A level , and that means that er , when you 're not having lessons , you 've got a lot of time that is not accountable for , you will have been , or going to a general studies period and stuff like that , but there will be a fair number of private study periods , erm , there are some people I think who , who go overboard , and you 've got such a different approach erm from er the lower sixth , people do n't use the time that they have , erm , what I 'm really saying is that if you go into the sixth form and you spend less school time in the sixth form you do n't need to be prepared
18 Oh what I 'm really saying is that you ca n't er
19 erm in other words , what I 'm really saying is , with all these exclusions , what included ?
20 Well it 's not impossible that er that that developments er can take place erm without erm without having some effects , but what what I 'm basically saying is that erm it it er it would n't be a serious effect acceptable in normal planning terms .
21 What I 'm actually saying is , they are a very serious threat .
22 So I 'm not a for a moment suggesting that some rules and regulations are n't needed and I think that er the trouble is that every rule and regulation that is passed in this house , there 's always an excuse for it and there 's usually a very good reason for it , but that is the problem that the government faces and it 's quite fairly er a problem the treasury face when they introduce these statutory instruments because er no one can disagree that fraud must be stamped out , all I 'm actually saying is that unfortunately upstairs we have a deregulation bill going ahead at all pace with hundreds of clauses and hundreds of new rules to try and red hundreds of new clauses to reduce the number of rules and here we are downstairs on the floor we have passing for very good reason perhaps , more rules and regulations and there are four more tonight and I believe that every government department Madam deputy speaker , has a minister specially appointed to keep an eye on deregulation and I just wondered although er my honourable friend on the front bench mentioned that er the even the D T I minister responsible for deregulation has looked at these , I wonder if there is a minister in the treasury , they 've actually put a minister in the treasury responsible for deregulation or is the ministry actually above deregulation because I think that er I got the impression that the that every ministry would have a deregulation minister and I think it would be rather useful to know who the deregulation minister is in the treasury .
23 So what I 'm actually saying is that I 'm making my objective an elephant , it 's too large i e if I wanted to eat an elephant , it 's too large an objective , but I could achieve it by what ?
24 The nicest compliment I 'm ever paid is when someone comes up to me and says : " You 're no different from what you are on the screen " .
25 Okay but all I was just saying is that it would be helpful that before we that Ian has seen through these
26 I was just wondering is it hot enough ?
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