Example sentences of "i [vb base] been [verb] into " in BNC.

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1 Instead I 've been thrust into the sort of social whirl I never experienced in Nottingham — or in London , for that matter . ‘
2 I 've been flung into a filthy cell with a lot of other poor wretches as if I were sack of coals being emptied into a cellar . "
3 I 've got five so far and I 've been getting into good positions . ’
4 Yeah , but your saying been in , erm they may have happened to you , I 've been bashed into time and time again
5 And , faith , since we married I 've been pressed into service as one more brother to him , a father , too , since his own father died when the boy was barely thirteen .
6 I 've been looking into something like this for about two years and come up against brick walls constantly , ’ she said .
7 Ooh I ca n't stop yawning I 've been going into work a bit earlier lately
8 My searches this month have followed exactly the same lines as those of last month ; that is to say , I have been venturing into areas possessing no known or recorded activity .
9 I have been dragged into my own book against my will .
10 It makes me feel I have been prying into it all , I am a voyeur of their joint life .
11 Following our discussions , I have been looking into the financial aspects of the timeshare proposal .
12 I have been researching into his background , and apparently he is a member of an organization known as the British Mission for Islamic Purity .
13 Over the past few weeks I have been dipping into the annual report — for last year — of the Medical Defence Union , an outfit that deals with legal claims against doctors for alleged incompetence , negligence and other failings .
14 I have been put into the proper slot … .
15 I have been forced into exile but maintain my work with the refugee community in Mexico City .
16 As it is , I have been forced into positive action , into vitality and life . ’
17 It really should not strike you as odd that I have been enquiring into your affairs — if I may so phrase it .
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