Example sentences of "i [vb base] [coord] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I lay and thought of her , trying on corsets while the world fell to pieces .
2 When he 'd gone I lay and thought for a long time about poor young Mr Vickers , and of what I should have told Doone , and had n't .
3 I sit and fidget like a child .
4 Usually when I sit and stare at my blank sheets of A4 paper every month , I am trying to think how I can help you with your Duomatic machines .
5 I sit and stare for some time , wondering if he is sick .
6 I sit and talk to him .
7 If I pick and choose at this stage , I 'm not likely to get off the ground .
8 ‘ When I see him racing I yell and scream with the best of them , ’ Sharon confesses .
9 ‘ I have to go , ’ I say and go to the hall for my coat .
10 ‘ See you , ’ I say and escape to City Road , where an off-licencee is opening and looks up surprised to see an office yuppie ( his definition ) among the line of winoes so early in the morning-o !
11 I find that absolutely because you know my stories I can only write so much and then I stop and think about then and then I write some more .
12 I stop and think for a moment — shocked by my act of sadism .
13 But , by now , the violence has crept north , and I stop and watch in amazement as a Newberry 's drugstore at Venice and Western literally explodes before my eyes , a mushroom of smoke and flames towering 200 feet into the night sky .
14 The phrases used are different but the message is the same , ‘ I approve of myself , ‘ I am a child of the Universe ’ , ‘ I relax and trust in life ’ .
15 When I do , I wink and smile at her .
16 I swallow and speak in a tremor .
17 The warmth and obvious pleasure of everyone I meet and see in the Cynon Valley that day is humbling and exhilirating .
18 ( 2 ) Titius left this legacy to his debtor , Seius : ‘ I give and bequeath to Seius ten denarii , and I also give him whatever he owed me by way of capital and interest . ’
19 If there 's somenthing I have n't got I park and bargain with the road workers .
20 I wave and clap at the crowd , blow kisses at them and bow , it is not theatricality but very genuine feeling .
21 Oh I bed and go to sleep .
22 As I chew and chew without swallowing , the Monster 's slobbering and sucky-grunting falls silent making me look up in alarm .
23 If I spit and scream at you , you are entitled to react , are n't you ?
24 And not tell her that I know and wait for her to tell me .
25 ‘ I mean to tell Her Grace what I know and pray to God that she will discover a means of remedying the situation , ’ Brackenbury said obscurely — but then he paused , hesitated and , seeming to make up his mind , spoke boldly .
26 It would be wrong to conclude a link between heterosexuality and low self-esteem because I know and work with many healthy heterosexuals .
27 I want the clouds sweeping over the stubble when I creep and stand on the front steps after reading all night , and our owls hoot , and everyone 's sleeping upstairs , sleeping sound , in quiet bedrooms .
28 Yet among the many people I teach and guide in the alps , an inability or unwillingness to memorise their route is perhaps the most common failing , and this applies to very able climbers as well as novices .
29 I find it hard to think of any more splendid compensation than conferment of the power to transfer a very large sum of money from a newspaper which I dislike and despise to an organisation or institution which I love and admire .
30 I prod and pry in all the little nooks and crannies — but it is all done in a caring way . ’
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