Example sentences of "i [vb base] [conj] it [be] " in BNC.

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1 I regret that it is not possible to provide any further information on this matter at present , and hope that this information will be of assistance to you .
2 I regret that it is not possible separately to identify the money devoted to the range of conditions associated with the menopause from the £225 million spent on medical research last year .
3 I regret that it is not possible to provide that information in the form requested .
4 I contend that it was all down to Shakespeare 's employer .
5 I repeat that it is not , and never has been , our policy to encourage local authorities or education authorities to promote homosexuality ...
6 Cleaning out that garage , honestly I mean that it 's , I 've never seen anything like it , he must of
7 I mean that it is not really government run er .
8 I mean that it is if size of Geoff and he 's , he hears a little noise
9 Sorry — I mean — I mean that it was a stupid question !
10 By traditional I mean that it was founded on a growing interpretation of the past , not that tradition was swallowed hook , line and sinker — indeed , in some cases it was turned upside down — but always it was referred to , re-explained .
11 It certainly would n't be against the ideological er ideas of the Party but I mean that it was an ideological , it was more practical cos it was , it was related the purification campaign of the Party , cos we know they 're having these campaigns
12 Yeah but , I mean but it 's right on
13 I mean whether it 's high or low , and that means it has a winter song and a summer song . ’
14 I mean whether it 's good feedback or bad feedback do you get an other feedback on a less formal basis ?
15 I mean before it was a little bit difficult to describe exactly what we wanted .
16 I mean cos it was , it was bad actually I mean I actually
17 I mean probably women are more daring you know because they 've got less to lose in a way I suppose if you if you 're not a councillor you can be more er you know or if you 're not worried for your job or you know or if there is n't a definite structure I suppose in the lodge there 's the definite people that always say the same things you know what I mean and it 's it 's less easy to be spontaneous in that situation I would think you know .
18 You know I 've been I would n't bother showing them some that worked , I 'll always pick the case that had some hiccup on it , so the basic skill you were trying to show them never worked out , you know what I mean and it 's well do n't worry about that , if it was a normal case
19 No anybody can get in I mean and it 's open seven days a week .
20 I ca n't afford it to , apart from that I mean and it was
21 Which actually is something I was thinking about doing with year seven but I mean as it 's it 's it 's
22 So you 'd just write it as , I mean as it 's minus one , you can take it off as you go along , but it 's , sometimes it 'll be a minus six or something , so write it as two point nine nine squared minus one .
23 Erm I mean as it is I I can get photocopying for four P a sheet getting fifty at a time , and that give I get a receipt for that which is better than three P a sheet without a receipt .
24 Well I think oh well it 's so beautiful I mean as it is in there , they do n't need anything doing to , I mean
25 Yes , I think that the crucial thing that 's emerging , especially from the area of artificial intelligence , is that we 're beginning to understand that what the name of the game is getting people to express their intentions , and for a long time we 've been , as it were , stuck in languages that do n't really help you to do that and we 're really beginning to understand now that erm what people are doing when they program indeed , I mean as it were the ace programmers , are expressing their intention for whatever 's to be done in the task the computer 's to perform clearly .
26 I speak on behalf of Playback not as Playback itself , but as Playback being part of the Regional Council that can a bit , now I was at a meeting this morning where I , I sort of absolutely had to read the riot act about Playback because they do not have a set budget whether you know this or not , they do n't have a standard budget as they should have , we 've fought for this for years , what we do is , we survive through crisis to crisis , now some money has been extracted from the Playback budget and whilst I have to share two bits of Playback , you know , the , the actual Playback charitable , voluntary bit , and the Regional Council , I mean they , I , I can say that they do not have a backing of money that they can fall back on , too many backs there , but I mean really I would say that I would be concerned if it was Christmas before we were ready , I , I ca n't help but think if we could and I mean , very , very happy to work with , with anybody and everybody on this to try and get these things pulled up quite quickly , I mean if it 's forms to be filled in then
27 but I mean if it 's not yet that 's fine .
28 Erm , if they start to have an illness and it develops we 'll obviously be talking to their doctor , I mean if it 's apparent that they 're blind on the form , well then , obviously we would looking the amount we paid , or , or , erm , basically come to some agreement on that .
29 Or alternatively , I mean if it 's really that important , erm and and it 's on the Friday , we we could actually send for somebody from here to come out .
30 That that 's not much but if it 's if it 's I mean if it 's not padded out with waffle and drivel cos you I mean if it 's a good ti concise answer that 'll probably get a good mark .
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