Example sentences of "i [vb base] [adv] [coord] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I mean he 's been known to do that because he you know what is going to happen with him commercially in his newspapers and he 's actually very clever and I mean none of us I mean okay and I think Peter might be the but I can get quite upset or intense or distressed or whatever the word is about that sort of stuff , because I am my background is journalism and I 'm quite pure about it , but we 're living in reality times here and the reality times is that he has got certain agendas .
2 There are days when I sit down and my mind goes back to prison , when I 'd be looking out the window , thinking , I wish I was out there , you know , doing something .
3 She splits me off from you lot , I 'm really fucked off actually cos like when I just go to dinner I just go with bloody Marina and then I sit there and I just do n't say a word and no one ever talks to me .
4 I slip through and my senses are immediately alive to a new intensity .
5 and I say well and I 'm well cool
6 All I can think of is not wakening the baby , so I say OK and he goes ahead .
7 Yes , what I really meant was I 'm , I forget exactly but we could look it up in you know the Richmond Fellowship file out there ,
8 I clamber on and he puts his great black dress over my head .
9 I stagger upstairs and I ooh ooh ooh .
10 The Frenchman behind me on this march curses under his breath each time I stop suddenly and he bundled into my rucksack .
11 It was a wholly objectionable idea , it was rightly opposed by very nearly everybody who spoke in the debate and the Government has withdrawn from that decision and that I welcome unreservedly but My Lords a great deal that is objectionable remains in Clause two of this Bill .
12 The responses were later grouped into three categories : ( a ) never smoker — ‘ I have never smoked a cigarette , not even a puff ’ ; ( b ) tried but stopped — ‘ I have only ever tried smoking once or twice but I do n't smoke now , ’ or ‘ I used to smoke sometimes but I do n't smoke now ’ ; ( c ) current smoker — ‘ I smoke sometimes but I do n't smoke as much as one cigarette a week ’ or ‘ I usually smoke between one and six cigarettes a week , ’ or ‘ I usually smoke more than six cigarettes a week . ’
13 Mummy I walk home but I walk home really
14 Oh yeah I walk down and she was just coming down here .
15 I walk along and she keeps pace and distance .
16 God I hope not but it is a reaction obviously er to the radiation treatment but
17 And if there 's no work and if there 's no means by which people can get themselves you know those sorts of basic things but you know I 'm not gon na si I I could n't say that the whole structure is going to ch change becau but I think erm I hope anyway and I do believe really that er I mean I hope that we 're going to stay together as a support group in some sort of form and Yes and there 's no way that we 're not going to support other causes in the way that we 've been supported .
18 I hope so but I do n't think so
19 I would think so , I hope so but I would think so as well
20 forget all about that , just let your mind go blank and I look round and I said cor that was quick .
21 So far I have been lucky in that I have never had to work at getting the next job but there may be a point when I look up and there is no opportunity around the corner . ’
22 I was just that some nights I waken up and you know you can actually hear your heart .
23 But whenever I go home I hang around and I miss making music something awful . ’
24 Six years later she remembers , vividly , a match against Fiona Anderson in the Scottish Championship at North Berwick which was won by Gillian Stewart : " I had been listening to " The Mikado " before I set out and I was humming it in my head all the way round .
25 The position is , of course , quite different if the witness knows the person concerned well enough to say : ‘ I was hit by a man I know well and whose name is Jack Spratt . ’
26 I know why and I resent it .
27 That I know how but I bought it
28 I mean I 'll go out and do my bit in the way I know how and I leave him behind .
29 She makes my tea with the same water she boils the eggs , she says she do n't but I know better and you know what that does .
30 I just put the numbers I like down and I do n't know anything about football
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