Example sentences of "i [vb past] [adj] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I used to work so hard in the week I had no energy left to enjoy weekends and I became awful to live with .
2 He does n't shout or bark out orders and that cool approach was something I found difficult to come to terms with when I first arrived at Liverpool .
3 I did n't exactly want one of the Corporals to come up , put his arm around me and say ‘ Tell me all your problems ’ , but I felt bloody intimidated by the impersonal approach .
4 Abruptly she let go of the last protective remnants of self-deception , but , fearing questions she could n't answer without exposing the full extent of her vulnerability , she rushed on , ‘ I felt guilty to begin with , but I did come to terms with it eventually , and anyway , my parents had encouraged me to stay with radio even though it would take me away from them and they knew what was happening to Dad . ’
5 But this year , with an anniversary to celebrate and an odd pattern of weather whose effects on normal fruiting patterns I was curious to explore , I felt inclined to go for a proper , inquisitive foray , a working lunch , so to speak .
6 Hibiscus , frangipani , bougainvillaea and the glorious colours of the flame tree were a visual feast and a challenge for the camera which I felt unable to cope with at first .
7 Were they always prepared to support a long-term speculative research project ? ’ — he stated ‘ Apart from superconductivity I had a main project on insulating oxides where I felt I had solid ground under my feet , at least under one foot .
8 Splashing her limbs to get used to the cold , she turned and looked at me with a hint of mischief , as I stood naked staring at her .
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