Example sentences of "i [vb past] [pron] was [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I reali I realized it was on the same day Mark .
2 It was n't until half an hour later that I realised I was on C1 .
3 ‘ I THOUGHT I was still standing and then I realised I was on the floor . ’
4 ‘ I pleaded guilty because I realised I was in breach of my contract and expected to be punished .
5 I realised it was for John and Angela . ’
6 The first time I met him was on radio .
7 The next time I met him was under an awning in the Campo San Polo in Venice , where he was quietly discoursing to a bunch of very young German anarcho-punks .
8 I found I was outside the tent , standing up with my jacket clutched to me , the better to see them .
9 George Burley 's door , two along from mine , was wide open , and I found he was in residence , dressed but asleep , quietly snoring in his armchair .
10 Right now , I mentioned it was in aid of charity , how , how are you going on , on the charity side of things ?
11 When I painted it was for myself , I could afford the luxury of spending two years on a painting ; I did n't have to worry about whether anyone was interested in it or not or whether I would exhibit it in a commercial gallery or whether it would be sold .
12 I believed he was in safe hands .
13 From the deadness of sound , I judged I was in the main roof-space .
14 I got such a shock I forgot he was behind the glass and thought he was going to shove his face right into mine .
15 I guessed he was in his forties and he had a hard face with small wary eyes and tightly curled hair that was cut very short .
16 ‘ I kept thinking today how lucky I was , you see , how blessedly fortunate , with all I have , all that is so comfortable , all that makes me so — so much happier than I was , and then this evening I went to the Rectory and when I returned I was in my room and I looked out at the darkness and I thought of you and how lonely you must be after all the company and society you have known just recently and I thought — I thought — ’
17 I heard she was in hospital .
18 I delivered what was to be my longest speech of the evening , saying that I gathered he was keen to talk about his role , to talk about Gary .
19 When I started it was with Ivy , and she were married in North Ronaldsay with the brother of Sydney , Roy .
20 I felt I was in a time-warp .
21 On the street again , suddenly I felt I was in the middle of a farce — ‘ POLICE SEARCH FOR THE BIG BANANA IS ON — and the discovery that actually I did have my cheque numbers in my moneybelt and that it was the photocopies that had been stolen made me almost light-headed .
22 I felt I was in a prisoner-of-war camp . ’
23 For a while I felt I was in heaven , eating and drinking in the warm , pretty room , with kind Miss Temple and Helen .
24 In the gloom I felt I was in some kind of an enclosure and told the rear gunner to get out and find out where we were .
25 I felt it was in our interests to renegotiate the deal .
26 But do n't let the lightweight feel fool you — the first time I wore it was during a 70mph mountain winds and driving rain and it kept me both warm and dry .
27 I knew we was onto a good 'un when we comes to Sinkport , but I never guessed as the old scallywag 'imself 'ud be 'ere .
28 I knew she was on this wavelength , ’ Elinor said excitedly , ‘ I believed her right from the start . ’
29 For all I knew she was with you , but if she was just a visitor , I had to make sure she would be all right .
30 Gaston went on heavily , ‘ I told her I knew she was in love with me .
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