Example sentences of "i [vb mod] [verb] [adv] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I may give away everything I have , and even give up my body to be burned — but if I have no love this does me no good .
2 ‘ If I may say so your sister was particularly emphatic on the point . ’
3 My Noble Friend Lord was if I may say so his usual wonderful combination of modesty and vehemence has erm drawn our attention to the very confused situation which arose .
4 I think if I may say so My Lords , we 're becoming slightly over-excited .
5 Oops I must go now there is a policeman at the door — I wonder what he wants ?
6 its really cold , yeah oh that was good , I enjoyed that she 's still there , she 's a Lance Corporal now as well and I must admit well I , I did n't think she 'd ev , she was always crying but I never thought she 'd actually do very well in the T A , did n't seem to have the get up and go about it but she obviously sorted herself out and got , Spambo Man they called me .
7 Late I must admit lately I have n't seen her with , I have n't
8 Well , yes , I must admit still I still chop
9 I must admit though it looked lovely , I 'll say that .
10 I get carried away , but I must learn now it 's the big league .
11 ‘ But if Roseanne says I should quit then I 'd do it right away .
12 Okay , well I should start there you know , erm and , and er see what options there are for getting involved with erm you know young people , erm
13 So I do n't think you , I should think partly we just can not give an assurance that no other complaints will be dealt with by support staff , really that we .
14 Perhaps I should mention now I mean I I I 'm not fill in questionnaire 's but it would it would be helpful if you actually did erm fill in that before you actually leave this evening and leave it on the on the table on the way out if that 's possible I think that , that information which you put on them would be useful .
15 ‘ For the first time I began to wonder about the camp and the people I should find inside it .
16 If I might repeat again what I suggested in the debate on the White Paper er there is a comparison perhaps pushed a little far w which what the national socialist did in Germany by saying a locally elected major-like does not represent the wishes er an er interests of the people of Cologne , as well as perhaps an appointed business man with the name of Krupp .
17 I definitely believe in love , I 'll do almost anything for love , even kill .
18 Get a few nibbles sort of like couple of days before like er cos if Kim comes I 'll do like I did last year , just a little buffet tea .
19 All I wanted to know sir was which page Mr was on , I I 'll comment later I just want to know which page it is please .
20 I 'll bet even your Queen does n't have two four-motor jet planes for her private use .
21 She said no I think I 'll go home I 'll be alright , so I took her back home about eleven and erm erm I kept phoning her every hour on the hour just to make sure she 's alright , then I said I want you just to promise me one thing you 're not do anything silly , I 'm here , I do n't care what it takes , I 'm here , so she said alright then , so I said it 'll break mum 's heart it 'll break dad 's heart ,
22 So am I , I 'm going to have a , oh have a , an orange and a lemonade that 's right , that 's what I 'll have well you must n't forget to have a wee before you go out
23 , he said I 'll work late I know what
24 I 'll ring immediately there is . ’
25 Now be off with yer , I 'll see ter yer later .
26 But er , he he hopped on one day and er had a talk with him and so on and took my temperature and pulse and that , this , that and other , he said well I 'll call again he said , when I 'm by , but he never did !
27 And I thought , I 'm just going to wait and see what he says , and I 'll say well they 'll be walking round naked cos he 's not bought them a pair of socks , pants , T-shirt jumper , nowt .
28 Adrian , well erm the bosses men see , they wear the knee pads every day , I say to Jack I say you got a game called Sex Maniac , he says yeah , I 'll say well you 're fucking in there , knee pads associates
29 That 's why she 's asked me to do it , but like I said to mum you know , I 'm not gon na say to her , oh yeah I 'll do it whenever you want , I 'll say like they 're gon na do this extra course on Wednesday nights and she said , like unless she could get a baby-sitter she could n't go which is the reason I 'm doing it .
30 So I 'll say there we are you 've got seven pennies there now take ten away .
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