Example sentences of "i [adv] [vb past] [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The audience held its breath … and I secretly prayed that the manager would support me — unlike her counterpart at the Philharmonic Hall who earlier this year asked a young disabled woman to leave the hall because she ‘ offended ’ the visiting conductor .
2 He and Sir John now appeared to be bosom friends and I secretly wondered if the Santerres had suborned this bumbling servant of the crown .
3 For a moment , I rather wondered if the hon. Gentleman was following in the footsteps of his colleagues in the trade union movement who regard inward investment as an alien culture .
4 I idly noted that a brass plate declared that this bit of garden furniture was sacred to someone 's memory .
5 I personally felt that the characters were very stereo-typed and extremely predictable .
6 I only meant that the coincidence is amazing . ’
7 ‘ Oh , shit , ’ I then said , because that was how I felt and because I suddenly knew that the next few minutes were going to be extraordinarily difficult .
8 I suddenly realized that the surrounding buildings were full of soldiers — and then the shooting began .
9 The trees shook , even the ground beneath me shook , as I suddenly realised that a salvo of heavy shells was passing over at tree height , and everyone — including the prisoners — scattered in the direction of the dug-outs ; the salvo hit the ground a short distance away with an almighty roar , the explosions throwing debris over a wide area .
10 Gazing down below me , I suddenly realised that a huge curtain of mist and rain has swept across the water and was fast obscuring the tundra below .
11 I suddenly understood that the trees could n't move .
12 How do you think they would react if I suddenly announced that the new man in my life is the man who ditched my sister five years ago ? ’
13 Then I suddenly remembered that the Germans had taken my bicycle , my most treasured possession .
14 Reflecting on the most traumatic period of his life , let alone his rugby career , he said : ‘ I just felt like a man reprieved .
15 I did n't know why , I just knew that the memory was unwelcome .
16 Instantly , I just knew that the barn had closed-circuit TV and kicking a company vehicle was a firing squad offence .
17 I just wondered whether the timing of the two affairs overlapped , that 's all . ’
18 And the other one , I wonder if the Council would consider , over sixties club , I ought to declare an interest I suppose , erm have two hundred members and they are distributing this Christmas , as they al always do , a three pound voucher to each of those members in office you know and I just wondered whether the Council would consider a small contribution towards that expenditure .
19 The shriek of the plane 's engines drowned our voices , so Bonefish and I just watched as the plane sank towards Straker Cay 's small airstrip .
20 I already knew that the forebrain roof of the chick was particularly rich in the receptor , and the assay method was fast enough for me to measure it in a couple of hundred brain samples during a single twelve-hour day ( although , inevitably , it took several subsequent days to analyse and calculate all the results ) .
21 Since I already knew that the local residents would n't favour tarmac either , I decided from the outset to go for a whindust ( fine gravel ) surface .
22 ‘ It just grew and grew , ’ Alan grinned as he talked about the development of the book , ‘ I soon realised that a circular including anecdotes to keep former members in touch was not possible , we had given rise to a book ! ’
23 ‘ It crossed my mind that I could push open the door and drop the dinghy myself , but I soon realised that the workload would be far too heavy , flying as low as intended for the drop .
24 Later , as the aircraft swooped down over many of the fields that were so familiar to me in my detecting rambles around the countryside , I soon realised that the weather had taken its toll on the cropmarks .
25 I soon noticed that the car was being driven very dangerously .
26 I soon discovered that a lot of the local children stuck together and that outsiders were n't made very welcome — even if you come from another part of Cornwall it takes a long time to be accepted .
27 I soon discovered that the customers in that particular part of North London were very different to any of the other dozen or so Sainsbury 's shops I had worked in .
28 I soon established that the ‘ jabbering ’ they spoke of was none other than classical Greek , of which this portly figure had an exact command .
29 I soon learned that the theme of angels was one of the most popular in the paintings produced by indigenous artists for the complex iconographic programmes of the churches and missions established by the Spanish after the conquest .
30 ‘ Well , I once said that the reason we went to America was to make money , but over the last six weeks I 've really changed my mind totally .
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