Example sentences of "i [verb] just [verb] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Well he 's taken us out when they 've been to bloody shop working and come back and wa I admitted that , but I mean just to go out for an evening .
2 I mean just read round for fun yo and see if there 's anything that sticks and if you get chance to use it in an exam , do Okay , then it says develop a stock of gems .
3 I 'd just turned on to York Way when I spotted the two city gents who 'd been drinking in the pub .
4 The big one looked down at me as if I 'd just crawled out from under .
5 Apparently he was a bit worried , so I said — oh , it sounds silly — that we 'd only just got back , that I 'd just sat down … . ’
6 Well I c I I 've seen so many things over the year I just do n't believe it until I actually see it and th literally four weeks ago , I 'd just got back from Germany , went on a meeting the following morning and it 's that gentleman there , Steve , and h he 's got some pictures in his pocket which will prove exactly what we 're talking about .
7 That was er I 'd just got back from work .
8 Brilliant , I said , pretending that I 'd just got in .
9 And I 'd just got in at about oh half three .
10 The following morning , I 'd just got out of bed when he started barking to get out .
11 I 'd just got out of bed — I was half asleep , ’ she tried , without much conviction .
12 I made sure I looked as if I 'd just got out of bed and dressed in a hurry — hence no socks and the sweatshirt — and went down to front garden to wave them in .
13 My head shook as though I 'd just knocked back some hundred-proof whisky .
14 The duvet , I 'd just taken back from the dry cleaners !
15 ‘ Not enough to play up my ulcer , of course , but I do just tick over .
16 ‘ I enjoy talking about things other than golf , I love just sitting around and doing nothing , watching TV , going into the kitchen , walking around a while and watching the stock market .
17 I mean a lot of times you know I think just phone up and say , Is mister so and so there and then guard themselves T N T delivery .
18 the one I bought just went out His eyeball went just up and
19 I said just shut up , ’ he said quietly .
20 I was unable to pay more than the $100,000 I had just forked out for his British rights , so he sold Leslie Waddington a batch too .
21 I had just stood up , fully clothed by the doorway , when one of the harmonisers stopped with a snort and a wakeful chomp of his lips .
22 It would n't be much good telling them I had just popped out for a breath of air this street led to both the bus and railway stations and it would n't need a genius to rumble my little game .
23 at the time , I thought , ‘ This is ridiculous , I 'm holding these boys back ’ because I was also managing a singer called Marc Bolan , and in the quieter moments , he and David would decorate my office to fill in the time , but I said to them that I had just run out of money and could n't afford to carry on — I 'd taken no commission from either of them at the time — so I went off to Spain to think about my next move and released them both from their contracts . ’
24 ‘ I was in Switzerland on a pre-season tour and I had just missed out on sign ing Dean Saunders , ’ he said .
25 All of this was already mapped out in a very decent and proper piece of research that I had just written up .
26 I was twenty-one , I had just come out of Sweden and my eyes were like saucers .
27 I went down the Kentucky in the High Street the other day , I had just come out , I was just standing there , when these black kids come up and start jostling me and then they nicks my chicken and chips .
28 Though the landscape was flat , it seemed , both visually and from the effort it was taking to move the wheelbarrow , that I was continually walking up a hill , but when I looked back , it was as if I had just walked down one .
29 I had just taken up my position behind the till of the kitchen gadget department and the store had been open only a matter of minutes when my first customer literally ran into view .
30 I had just taken over the Chair and I thought that he was making an intervention .
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