Example sentences of "i [verb] them the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 That 's why I sa that 's why I told them the weekend I thought at least I 'll have something sha n't I ?
2 They were very pleased when I told them the outcome of my night on the tiles and Otley sat next to me on the sofa with his arm round my shoulders .
3 I told them the truth — he visits me , but he does n't live here .
4 ‘ When my friends asked me why I left the ministry , I told them the focus was too narrow .
5 I dream of Strathspeld , and the long summers of my childhood passed in a trance of lazy pleasure , ending with that day , running through the woods ( but I turn away from that memory , the way I 've learned to over the years ) ; I wander again through the woods and the small , hidden glens , along the shores of the ornamental lochan and the river and its loch and I 'm standing near the old boathouse in that defeatingly bright sunlight , light dancing on water , and I see two figures , naked and thin and white in the grass beyond the reed beds , and as I watch them the light turns from gold to silver and then to white , and the trees seem to shrink in on themselves , leaves disappearing in the chill coruscations of that enveloping white blaze while the view all around me becomes brighter and darker at once and all is reduced to black and white ; trees are bare and black , the ground smother-smoothed in white and the two young figures are gone , while one even smaller one — booted , gloved , coat-tails flying behind — runs laughing across the white level of the frozen loch .
6 But she added : ‘ The people at work think I 'm insane and when I showed them the video of the bungee jump it just confirmed their opinion that I 'm a lunatic . ’
7 I showed them the place where the monster had jumped into the lake .
8 I sent them the recycling .
9 I gave them the address where he was living .
10 When Victor and I gave them the slip at Victoria station they knew we were onto them .
11 I went around being nice to children for a while , being a sort of modern Pied Piper , but I learnt that they 're a manipulative lot and crazy for money , literally crazy for it , so I gave them the elbow .
12 I gave them the afternoon and she said , Oh that was lovely Mrs .
13 I gave them the meat of the dead animal , and they gave us more food and water .
14 She added : ‘ I gave them the bag and then they ran off .
15 ‘ When something is spilled , I hand them the cloth .
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