Example sentences of "i [verb] been [prep] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Though I 'd visited the family in Al Ain and Abu Dhabi , it had been two years since I 'd been to their camp on the Gulf .
2 If I 'd been of your chosen few ,
3 ‘ If I 'd been on my feet .
4 ‘ To be honest if I 'd been on my own I would n't have gone ahead with it , ’ says Avril .
5 much time if I , If I 'd been on my own .
6 And if I 'd been in his skin , and seen the power in Dawn 's beak and feet , I do n't think I 'd have done anything either .
7 ‘ If I 'd been in your shoes I 'd have walked right out on him . ’
8 If I had been at my gun , I would have been dissected .
9 A week earlier Steve and I had been on our way to the summit of Ultar with a pair of 150 foot ropes .
10 If I had been on my own I probably would not have done it . ’
11 I had been to my flat and there was nothing there — it had been totally cleared out .
12 Since he had a lady so much more deserving than myself , I could have wished I had been of his sex and then there never would have been a more perfect friendship .
13 As I remember it was one morning a little while after my father and Miss Kenton had joined the staff , I had been in my pantry , sitting at the table going through my paperwork , when I heard a knock on my door .
14 In early 1986 , my foot finally healed and I began to train as if I was as fit as I had been before my injury .
15 I 've been through my neighbourhood , where they 've torn down liquor stores and burnt down everything .
16 I 'm 15 years old and I 've been with my current boyfriend for quite a while .
17 I 've been with my father when he measured up the stack .
18 I 've been with my current boyfriend for four years and we have a daughter .
19 I 'm 21 , and I 've been with my boyfriend for almost four years now .
20 I 've been with your father through thick and thin as God intended a wife should , ’ she said .
21 I 've been with your dad that long I just
22 I 've been with your dad that long .
23 It made me realise what a coward I 've been over my own problem .
24 He 's scored four in just five starts , and said : ‘ It 's been a good start but I still do n't think I 've been at my best . ’
25 ‘ To begin with , I 've been on my own a long time , and the longer one is alone the more used to it and the more choosy one becomes .
26 Also , I 've been on my own for 30 years and I 'm rather set in my ways .
27 I 've been on my own the entire evening . ’
28 I 've been on your trail for a long , long time . ’
29 She actually I have to be I 've been to her house and she lives in the middle of nowhere I wo n't tell you where , she lives in the middle of nowhere in fact I drove past it three times before we found it .
30 It 's the closest I 've been to my ideal live setup , really .
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