Example sentences of "i [verb] n't [vb infin] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 I think it would erm I do n't think their concentration span
2 I do n't you see I do n't know my granddaughter .
3 I do n't expect politicians from Britain and France to understand , and I do n't expect their politics to bring peace here . ’
4 I mean , I do n't expect my Dad had to wait as long for his tea .
5 Frankfurt Dear Professor , I do n't deserve your kindness .
6 I do n't deserve his condemnation , she thought .
7 I do n't blame my parents for the way I turned out , I 'm the one responsible .
8 ‘ If I do n't break my neck . ’
9 I do n't break my word , Shelley , whatever other faults you say I have .
10 As long as I do n't break my thumb .
11 Well , I 'm eleven now , folks , and , in case you had n't heard , I do n't wet my bed anymore .
12 ‘ I like a pub where I do n't meet my customers .
13 So I mean well I suppose it 's , times flitting away cos I do n't suppose her solicitor will let it go on forever !
14 ‘ Tuck ’ was confined officially to fresh fruit and plain chocolate , and all books and magazines were censored , although as Mr Douglas recalls : ‘ I do n't suppose our own minds were any cleaner than those of today . ’
15 And I do n't suppose my old man 'll be home for months .
16 I do n't suppose my brother will have any hope of a picture there , even from a boat and with a telephoto lens …
17 I do n't suppose my first real piece for the paper was exactly world-shattering .
18 I do n't suppose my wife finds it easy , for example .
19 I do n't suppose your behaviour has been all bright and squeaky clean since you got married . ’
20 ‘ No , I do n't suppose your circle of friends would include any architects .
21 I do n't suppose your Personal Management and ‘ individual care ’ would actually extend to coming along to see the show , would it ? ’
22 I do n't suppose your partner considered for a minute what heartache he might have left behind in Seville .
23 I do n't suppose his crystal ball 's told him where Newley 's got to ? ’
24 If your master 's away at the race meeting and anything happened to a horse I do n't carry my respons I do n't do it on my shoulders , I go and get a vet .
25 But you asked for me , and I do n't handle your kind any more .
26 What Mr Patten does n't seem to realise is that most seven to 11-year-old children — and I do n't mean his own privileged daughter Mary Claire — need to be eased and teased into acquiring a reading habit .
27 ‘ No , no , I do n't mean my husband .
28 You are the pleasures which we draw him on to — ( He escapes a fractional giggle but recovers immediately ) and by that I do n't mean your usual filth ; you ca n't treat royalty like people with normal perverted desires .
29 ‘ Now when I say he believed in England I do n't mean your thatched cottages and warm beer he did n't think the place was cute , not just his grandfather 's birthplace .
30 I do n't choose my friends for the size of their wallets , you know . ’
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