Example sentences of "i [verb] give [pers pn] a " in BNC.

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1 I asked to give him a lead .
2 I intend to give it a really good go , because I have the opportunity this year which I did n't have last season . ’
3 I intend to give you a demonstration today based on work that Kevin has done .
4 I vill give you a game of dominoes , and if you vin … vell , den I buy you a drink .
5 So I tend to give them a wide berth wherever possible .
6 When I 'm not working , I tend to give it a break from putting anything on it .
7 Would I need to give you a lift home do you think ?
8 I tried to give him a withering look .
9 Is the Chancellor aware that not so long ago I met a chap in Blackpool who said to me , ’ When you see that Chancellor of the Duchy , tell him that I want to give him a piece of my mind : not only is the poll tax three times higher than the rates , but I have lost my job , my wife has been waiting for an operation for two years , my daughter has lost her maternity grant through this Tory Government and my son has lost his income support — so when you see the chairman of the Tory party , will you tell him that I want to meet him to discuss this matter at the top of the Blackpool Tower ? ’
10 I want to give her a Christmas present .
11 I want to give it a bit of a rest now and I 'm trying to leave it as long as possible before I have it permed again .
12 ‘ Please — I want to give you a message for Harriet Shakespeare . ’
13 I want to give you a chance to put the record straight .
14 He took lots of notes and after three days he said , ‘ Raymond , I want to give you a check .
15 ‘ But I want to give you a little help with your wicket keeping .
16 Patterson 's eyes flickered as if I 'd given him a straw to grasp , but I pressed on .
17 Yes , oh Rocket , for the first few months I had him , after he was rescued , and he was so protective of me , because I 'd given him a good home and never , never hit him in the face .
18 Boy , am I going to give him a piece of my mind when I see him .
19 Corky 's taking an age typing them all in — even slower since I threatened to give him a good lashing !
20 It happened during the final couple of years of my marriage when , tired of the humiliation my husband 's affairs imposed on me , I decided to give him a taste of his own medicine .
21 By this time Desmond had nearly stopped on the flarepath and I decided to give him a wide berth .
22 So anyway , I er , I decided to give him a second chance , so I explained calmly , and with grim patience ,
23 So I decided to give it a miss that day .
24 ‘ It was then that I decided to give it a try .
25 I collect and season most of my wood , which I feel gives me a head start over the clinical pieces available at timber yards . ’
26 I offered to give him a game or two if he needed the practice but , as he soon told me , snooker training is a lot more complicated than that nowadays .
27 But not when they 're eating , here why did I bother giving you a bath ?
28 Well , six fifty I got if for like , I try give him a six hundred and he ummed and ahhed and then he said well he said well I 'll take the six hundred he said , can you manage the hundred quid over the next five or six weeks ?
29 Being a member of the senior team that 's addressing those issues I think gives me a much broader job than I would otherwise have continued to enjoy . ’
30 I give them a , I did give them a good rinse afterwards though .
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