Example sentences of "i [verb] see [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 My binoculars I wore round my neck at the ready for all those puffins , razor bills and guillemots I expected to see on the way over .
2 But fascinated as I was by these aquatic birds , I longed to see the falcons and owls I 'd seen at the zoo flying free , and this is a rare occurrence .
3 the kitchen was piled up , I , I , Dinda took my suitcase upstairs , I 'd seen to the dog , he was very , very good in the car as you know er , I took my suitcase , I could n't get through the bedroom door , the bed clothes on the floor where it 's , where we 've had a sudden hot spell , he had n't folded them up
4 You would n't have heard of him , of course , but I used to read his articles to Daddy at one time , and I remember seeing in the papers that he had been very ill .
5 Like that deep trog of a bank manager I went to see at the end of my first term at university .
6 The fields and clouds were the same as those I had seen for the last half hour .
7 According to a picture I had seen on the wall of the Royal Hotel , this Priory had been founded by King Felin O'Connor of Connaught , whose burial place it became .
8 It turned out that her son was a great friend of the paraquat-wielding monk I had seen at the monastery farm near Roscrea .
9 I disabused his mind on this point by telling him about the fresh pug marks I had seen at the pool , and advised him very strongly to collect his buffaloes and return to the village .
10 Awake , like this , the animal seemed perfectly normal , not at all like the crazed , somersaulting creature I had seen at the cottage .
11 His smile was so elfin I was reminded of a troll and a performance of Peer Gynt I had seen at the Maddermarket in Norwich .
12 That , as I had seen from the outside , was shrouded in green plastic , and , as all the windows seemed to have been boarded up , there was scarcely any light at all .
13 They crashed through their set as if they were in a competition to see who could get through the most songs in the shortest time , sounding like an unrehearsed version of the group Charlie and I had seen in the Nashville .
14 Admission into the complex followed a similar pattern to that I had seen in the English prisons : searches , registration , allocation , different coloured uniforms for the various categories of prisoner , etc .
15 I understood what I had seen in the dream when I learned the words " gaberdine " and " mahogany " ; and I was born in the year of the New Look , understood by 1951 and the birth of my sister , that dresses needing twenty yards for a skirt were items as expensive as children — more expensive really , because after 1948 babies came relatively cheap , on tides of free milk and orange juice , but good cloth in any quantity was hard to find for a very long time .
16 M. Chaillot was by now unexpectedly by my side , opening a huge satin-covered box of chocolates of the cream-filled variety I had seen in the local shop .
17 from the back seat the voice of the colonel I had seen in the subway said , ‘ Wo n't you get in , English ? ’
18 A tall thin guy I had seen in the house before crawled on all fours in front of the television to get at Nicola 's joint .
19 I had to see as the wagons in the coals as it shifting , not falling off you see .
20 All I know is what I 've seen on the news . ’
21 ‘ I 'll have to finish the porter when I 've seen to the hosses , Mrs Salt , ma'am , ’ said Hawkins and hurried out .
22 And people do live in other parts of the area , and they need telephones — from what I 've seen of the place they 'll be about the main link with the outside world .
23 One of the most positive aspects of Switchboard that I 've seen over the past seven years , apart from the callers , has been the way that many of its members have continuously struggled to put their politics and convictions about gay and other rights into practice ( though some of them might not care to put it that way ) and the strength that working on it has given some people to do so elsewhere .
24 V.W. Yes , I mean that 's something that when I first started I would n't have said , but I 've seen over the last six years changes in the governors and the role of the governors and I sense very much so that now they want Catholic appointments .
25 We 've created a new sector , I , I 've seen over the last three or four years , changes in the way that we 've tried to represent our membership in the Health Service from the old industrial conferences to combined industrial conferences into the er , current erm , section that we 've now got .
26 Security guard Ed Collett , 32 , from Highbury , north London , said : ‘ It 's the best film I 've seen in the past few years .
27 ‘ I was thinking of putting her to a very nice stallion I 've seen in the district , ’ she said .
28 Er I suppose erm er the , most of the people I 've seen in the last ten years have been people either approaching retirement , planning for retirement or actually at the point of retirement and er we 've obviously looked at this course over a number of years and we try to sort of distil it down to the basics of things that we think are important er and that we think will be useful to you .
29 I mean if , if people smoke too much , I mean they should put the kids before the c the cigarettes , and erm people I have heard say that , I 've seen in the pub three or four nights a week .
30 Over the last six weeks or so I 'll tell you the places I 've been and the people I 've seen in the National Health Service .
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