Example sentences of "i [verb] see her in " in BNC.

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1 I was fourteen then , I 'd seen her in National Velvet , and had been barmy about her ever since .
2 I told him that I 'd seen her in the company of a minder I did n't like the look of and that I 'd followed them to Woolwich .
3 Every night I go to see her in different plays and she 's always wonderful . ’
4 Next day , as soon as I 'd finished giving a police statement about a drug addict who had threatened me and attempted to steal syringes and prescriptions , I went to see her in hospital .
5 I mean , er erm and I went to see her in Park Hospital and she was very frustrat very frustrated because she could n't speak .
6 and I , I went to see her in open evening , I could n't understand her , cos she you know , she real , I mean she is French
7 I went to see her in panto , honestly , she was terrible , she whined yeah her voice was even more marked Aus Australian than it is on here .
8 I have not seen her alone face to face all the time we have been here and when I do see her in company she is wont to turn from me .
9 It was the first time I had seen her in a pale colour — a light grey dress which made her seem shadowy .
10 ( Looking at her , I was often reminded of the famous Lina Cavalieri as I had seen her in photographs .
11 Believe me , if I had seen her in any other place , I would have dismissed her as a witch from a mummer 's play .
12 I 've seen her in that dress with the whole of the bar top covered in loose change , laboriously counting the coins , bagging the silver and copper coins separately .
13 And I said to her , I 've seen her in July sometime or June or something like that .
14 I 've seen her in it . ’
15 I 've seen her in church occasionally .
16 I 've seen her in Italy cabaret .
17 I du n no , I du n no who she 's going out with , but I 've seen her , I 've seen her in the car in the morning when I , like this morning I was walking in , she was in the car just getting the old , but I do n't know if he works here or not , she 's got to be going out with somebody .
18 I have seen her in hats , in high boots , in fishnets , in stilettos .
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