Example sentences of "i [verb] get [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I tend to get to hear about them from seeing the Post Office .
2 Yeah , well I I tried to get rid of it but it would n't go .
3 I sort of was a bit lost on me trig so that 's really what I want to get to go through a bit of trig .
4 If they know which party you are from and say , ‘ Oh I expect I 'll vote for you ’ , they probably mean ‘ I wo n't , but I want to get rid of you quickly because Dallas is just beginning ’ , or , I 've no idea and I 'm really not interested — politicians are all the same . ’
5 Well , I was doing this for him in a loving sort of wifely way and he said , ‘ Oh , by the way , I want to get rid of you ’ and I said , ‘ Thank you very much ’ and he said , ‘ Well , finish the trousers and post them on . ’
6 ‘ Yes , that 's why I want to get rid of it first .
7 I want to get rid of it .
8 car boot sale , there 's other bits and bobs I want to get rid of
9 but er , so now I 've got a thirty six , thirty five , thirty four , thirty four , thirty four , thirty two and thirty , so that 's a B count in B file , so there 's no hassle with that , but if I can get on and get rid of the er , I 've got twenty eight , twenty nine in there as well , er twenty eight in there as well , so I want to get rid of the twenty eight and twenty nine but it is a guarantee that a B file , so there 's
10 I , I , I was lucky in the three ground I went too the worst that ever happened to me was I was put head first into a dustbin , but luckily it had been emptied it was still well mucky , but I just fucking went and had a shower , and I come out of the shower and I 'd got pounced upon again and I was there , it must of been a funny site , there 's me right in just a pair of fucking deck chairs that we used to wear for the , the shower block right , fucking shaving , er like the wash kit bag in my right hand and I was holding me fucking towel round , round me waist with me left , I was streaking across the play ground , going as fast as I could
11 I thought I 'd got rid of that wretched reservation form .
12 After I 'd got rid of about half the beer I 'd drunk in the Arms , I went to have another look at the Factory .
13 I thought I 'd got rid of them all but I had n't , right ?
14 I 'd got nicked for burglary and , so , the only way to get out of it was by trying the hospital .
15 Not because I was made to be late , but I , I , I , I 'd , me mother had made me cos she said you got ta come home to your dinner and there was no buses there were trams in them days , but I 'd got to get into the town .
16 It started with the grandwean , you know , when she 's and I 'm taking a bit , and then I seem to get addicted to it , and I 'm buying seven boxes .
17 How am I going to get rid of Vern when he 's no more use ?
18 What should I use to get rid of them ?
19 I fancied getting married in black because it seemed to throw tradition to the winds , and looked very dramatic .
20 Then I found out that Jim was making all the original pedals as well , so I decided to get rid of all the stuff I 'd been trying to make all these sounds with and just use the original things .
21 Q SHOULD I try to get rid of the large number of slugs and snails which have got into my compost bin ?
22 You know I pl I I started this album really I started writing it while I was doing Love Hurts in Israel and Zoe would s sort of catch in the caravan , what the hell are you doing now , you know I was writing lyrics and thi , and I started to get keyed into this album just before I finished Love Hurts .
23 I managed to get rid of about eighty and if we do sell these extra what twenty or thirty that 's going to be between a hundred and a hundred and fifty pounds profit .
24 Yeah , but that goes , that goes in the lit file , so I got rid of my er with the thirty five I managed to get rid of erm
25 " Why on earth do n't you back me up when I try to get rid of him , mother ? "
26 We 've got the decorators in and I keep getting nagged about getting new carpets and new curtains and — ’
27 ‘ If I keep getting selected by Arsenal and England then I have to be doing something well . ’
28 I keep getting put over someone 's knee and smacked . ’
29 ‘ Oh dear — I kept getting caught by people .
30 It did n't need much concentration , and all through the morning I kept getting interrupted by the thought of Oliver standing there not being able to say anything , and then practically shouting what he did .
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