Example sentences of "i [verb] not get [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Shades of my father , I thought , but replied amicably : ‘ Because I enjoy it , and remember that I do n't work at it the whole year , so I do n't get bored . ’
2 I do n't get bored .
3 No , I do n't get bored at all with it , er because snooker is not er like American pool , where you go out there with a stick and just knock balls all over the table ; snooker is snooker , and the name of snooker is to play this , you know , this game of chess on the green baize , and er that 's what , you see this is where Davis has been so good for so long , a ) he 's a supreme professional , he once apologised for only practising for two hours on Christmas Day rather than four , er and if you look at Davis ' score sheets and his matches , which I 've done over the years , you 'll see a lot of breaks of around sort of fifty five , sixty , sixty five , and then he stops , he plays the safety shot and says to his opponent ‘ okay , your turn ’ , plays the percentage game , the occasional knock in the very big ones , but that 's why he 's won so much , because he thinks it out so well , and knows the averages , knows the percentages and plays the game that way .
4 I crack a bottle every night — but I do n't get drunk .
5 I do n't get right treatment and I 'm nearly eighty .
6 I do n't get involved with team matters now that we 've got a manager who can manage .
7 I do n't get tired unlike some of the other drivers and experience counts for a lot in this sport
8 ‘ Call it what you like , but at least I do n't get beaten black and blue . ’
9 I do n't get red , I 've never have done I , its only sort of over the past sort of half year , and I do n't know why , they never started , started to go red
10 so erm yeah just hope I do n't get ill between now and round about July I think it 'll all be over
11 See I never know whether they 're pulling , pulling a plonker or not you know , that 's the real , like I said I ca n't remember doing it , but , I would n't put it pass myself and I fucking get stupid , I do n't get aggressive or anything I just get stupid , you know , I do shit like that .
12 I do n't get angry with her but I do leave the room to calm down …
13 I do n't get embarrassed easily . ’
14 I mostly enjoyed staying with my friends away from home and I did not get homesick .
15 I said let's wait and see how it prints and Vic agreed but I did n't get good vibes .
16 It seems flimsy and awkward compared with the good-old lever , and I did n't get used to it all week .
17 ‘ How come I did n't get prior warning of a major development in our relationship ? ’
18 I did n't get close enough .
19 erm The reason why we moved the amendment on this is er Jim been and that has , we started to query the figures I did n't get involved in the all this week and th people like Jim , David loads of my attention and the whole er exercise was a fraud they 're all bum figures and when I checked , the figures I have checked here are done by a senior officer when I showed 'im what stuff was being wrong .
20 I did n't get finished work till , well I did n't get finished work till about quarter to two .
21 I did n't get finished work till , well I did n't get finished work till about quarter to two .
22 I believe I did n't get gay-bashed partly because of the heterosexual relationship and partly because no one took my sexuality seriously because I was blind , and obviously did n't know what badge I was wearing .
23 And I did n't get funny numbers and silly squiggles , cos I used a reasonable package and not WordPerfect .
24 I went to the doctor on the Saturday and he said it was gastroenteritis and prescribed tablets for me for it and told me just to keep up my fluids so I did n't get dehydrated .
25 I did n't get difficult when I drank but I often could n't remember where I 'd been or what I 'd done or even how I 'd got back home .
26 It was because I had my blinds closed that I did n't get hurt . ’
27 I 've opened the cards and played Devil 's patience , but I did n't get excited when the game finally worked out .
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