Example sentences of "i [verb] you [verb] it " in BNC.

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1 I 'll get you so you wo n't even recognise your own body but after we 've done it you 'll be grateful to me that I made you do it and you 'll enjoy it and you 'll get better at it and one day you 'll thank me for doing this to you .
2 You wanted to abandon it by the side of the road , but I made you push it on , with myself taking short spells of pushing .
3 We got the Gilbey bar but I no the answer to that question would be if any company or org organisation was prepared or wished to talk about funding the theatre in any way and I think were 'd be more than welcome to sit down with and talk them and say well how would you perceive that which way would you like to go about it how can we assist that and I think we 're be open to suggestions from them how they see it I mean you know it could be seats it could be programmes it could be any any arrange of things that we 'd certainly welcome who approach us from companies but we I think we are pro-active in sense that we do n't wait for that to happen we actually go out but was said early I think given the recession it has been difficult lately to actually go out to companies and say I mean sure companies like the Harlow Council find it extremely finance the finances extremely difficult on them and with the recession it 's really difficult for them to actually find funding and I know lot 's of companies who actually cutting back on it certain areas I think funding of oth outside organisations will be one of the areas they 'll be cutting back on .
4 Erm I mean you know it 's sort of there were certainly there were certainly groups of black tenants and white tenants who mixed , and there were certainly groups of of white tenants who would n't mix with the black tenants and vice versa .
5 After that 's the spring term we 're into now , after Christmas erm health now there was there are packages and Catherine gave them to me on personal hygiene , things like that and I think Paul erm I know he would be keen he said , he 'd be keen to maybe put a package together with the help of all the form teachers plus myself and maybe do a bit into health , cos I mean you know it 's it 's
6 I mean you know it 's , it 's both you and me
7 I du n no it 's I mean you know it 's
8 But what I thought I 'd do is like for Ellie and Linda for Christmas presents say , I mean you know it wo n't be a a lot but that 'll be it
9 er , I mean you know it 's , there looks like some like , it 's almost like jumble is n't it ?
10 Well if there 's stuff that 's you know , you do n't want and it 's all right for jumble , I mean if you want it for jumble take it , but if not we 'll have it for jumble , I mean you know it 's erm
11 That , I mean you know it 's pretty erm
12 I know but it 's not all that sort it 's erm I mean you enjoyed it
13 Well that 's right , I mean you get it
14 Well I er agree with it but I mean you understood it presumably then .
15 I mean you liked it at night but I mean we 've got people right but some Friday nights we 've only got them in that bar .
16 you might 've er I mean you did it right , it could 've been a bit stronger though , a bit more punch to it , er punch is n't the right word erm , you know , well okay look what I 'm really asking for Dave is your help , you know , when people ask you to help what would you normally do , you 'd help would n't you ?
17 I mean my impression is that the resource has come in on this , I mean extra staffing , I mean you need it you ca n't do it without ,
18 I mean you buy it you 're not gon na , I mean alright you 're gon na have a bit more grown but you 're only gon na get a bit more muscly .
19 I mean you see it today , do n't you ?
20 I do n't , I do n't know anybody that I , I 've I mean I 've never seen a group , I mean you see it on films every now and then you know , a group of people that really , really spark one another off , like in The Big Chill and all the things like that but erm I 've never seen it before .
21 I mean you see it advertised in the paper but no one
22 I actually start off quite good and then right or wrong I mean you find it , god what a pig
23 I goes you hang it up in your shower , in n it ?
24 I insist you keep it for yourself — it would be a crime to let anyone else wear it , ’ he said huskily .
25 I insist you take it with me . ’
26 I trust you like it . ’
27 I expect you find it very provincial after London — boring , nej ?
28 Yeah it went er it went it went a bit wrong at the beginning because as I say you did it with business card and er buyer 's guide , that came in a after the erm statement of purpose really .
29 When I was about twelve she told me how she 'd " flung " a sixpenny piece back at a titled woman who 'd given it her as a tip : " If you ca n't afford any more than that Madam , I suggest you keep it . "
30 ‘ Well , I suggest you do it before interrupting again , ’ he cried .
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