Example sentences of "i [verb] to [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And then of course er when I got to New York we were quite friendly with all the people on the boat you know that made great friends with some of them and er I had two or three places to go , I had spent a few days at the World Fair and then I flew down to Washington and er then I came back again .
2 And when I was when I got to New York , I was met by two first cousins from two different families er Bert who 's er er nephew of my my mother 's sister Laura Anne in in New York , and another one , William who 'd been very successful vice president of or something .
3 I was so frightened you 'd walk out of my life again that I sank to ignominious depths to keep you close to me . ’
4 I will also devote some time to topic work because of the importance I attach to integrated approaches to learning .
5 Am I committed to consistent communication about the way we handle our finances , giving , earning , spending and saving ?
6 When I was eleven I moved to secondary school , Henry Compton in Fulham .
7 When I moved to secondary school , the PE master used to encourage me in my running and , when he saw I had some potential , he took me down the North London AC and made me a member there so I could train a couple of times a week .
8 But I knew the score before I moved to Ayresome Park last summer . ’
9 But I knew the score before I moved to Ayresome Park last summer . ’
10 Could I appeal to running shoe manufacturers to open their eyes and realise that they are missing out on a valuable section of the market ?
11 I want to Blue Horizons .
12 I think it 's sometimes falsely represented as being academic or being unreal or as not relating to the masses of women 's lives , and it 's out of my own experience I just want to be clear about this , it 's out of my own experience as an incest survivor , as a pornography survivor , my father worked in the porn industry , that I came to revolutionary feminism .
13 You chose very well , I used to get really nervous when I came to Chinese restaurants , I never knew what to choose .
14 I came to sensible awareness ; to incredulous understanding .
15 ‘ Were I transported to Italian Plains , and lay by the side of a streamlet that murmured thro' an Orange-Grove , I would think of thee … ’
16 I travel to other worlds . ’
17 Accordingly , Sir David has requested that I convey to young Reginald the facts of life . ’
18 Quite often , the first clue that I get to old age anxiety is when a mature dog is referred to me with , what appears to be , an ‘ out of character ’ separation anxiety .
19 There were inter-party rivalries within the UUUC and inter-factional rivalries within the parties and , although Paisley and I belonged to different parties , the fact that we were both identified with the Black case was not necessarily always helpful .
20 I should make it clear that I am drawing on notions of an idealised business environment when I refer to unambiguous communication being the motive power which occasions accountability .
21 I refer to recent letters about the cost of house sales and also to an article today in your Property section .
22 I REFER to recent reports ( Echo January 28 ) concerning the promotion of accommodation establishments in the Borough of Darlington .
23 I refer to paid maternity leave , child allowance , single parent allowances etc .
24 I refer to public statements attributed to the President , the Secretary or other high Government officials in which various countries are named as especial objects of United States interest and concern , but from which the name of Korea very frequently is omitted .
25 I refer to social audits , contract compliance agencies , work force monitoring , compulsory disclosure of information , minimum wages , equality tribunals and many other Opposition ideas .
26 I refer to Spitting Image ( ITV ) , which last time round was held in check until the polls had safely closed , but this time was allowed an outing on Wednesday while the electorate were still technically making up their minds .
27 In the later afternoon , Andrew Gregg , deputy co-ordinator of ‘ UUUC Advice and Relief Centres ’ , and I returned to Central Strike Headquarters and collected a portable typewriter and some other items of equipment useful for continuing the strike should we have to go into hiding .
28 On joining The Scotsman and moving to the mainland , I bowed to public demand and retired .
29 I appeal to medical colleagues who are concerned about the persecution of this brave woman to write to General Than Shwe ( salutation : Dear General ) , Chairman , State Law and Order Restoration Council , c/o Ministry of Defence , Signal Pagoda Road , Yangon , Union of Myanmar .
30 It sounds pathetic but I 'm also still quite awestruck when I talk to famous people . ’
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