Example sentences of "i [verb] [adv] [pron] will " in BNC.

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1 Yes , yes I mean unconsciously they will happen
2 but surely , but surely I mean surely they 'll be able to restore the housing benefit
3 I mean anyway she 'll be home again .
4 I mean clearly it will continue to grow and therefore any that you do will be will be greater .
5 Yeah well we 've got set jobs but I mean like we 'll say look I 'll do post for you today if you do it for me like whenever
6 I mean obviously you wo n't hear the rabbit but I do n't think I 'm gon na stay in anyway .
7 Erm , er I 'll I 'll close it at two , but perhaps I could ask the the applicants erm , I mean I appreciate that obviously erm it er it economy in in in obviously in what you 're doing , but I think it it it would be fairly obviously to , I mean it 's been stated that that that that residents nearby would prefer either two bungalows or a house and a bungalow , and I think er that certainly erm new developments adjacent to where you are proposing these are in fact all bungalows , er with the exception of the mill , which of course has been there a long time , er all those on that side of the road , both those two built and those two proposed are a bungalow or a semi bungalow , er and so erm you can see that obviously it is that the height of these buildings , it is erm causing the offence , largely , erm I I think , I mean obviously you will want to main you know , optimize your er development , but whether er a scheme with two bungalows that they would n't be four bedroomed bungalows , because there would n't be room for two of the four two four bedroomed bungalows , erm
8 I mean hopefully we will attract money because we ca n't function without it .
9 Erm I think really for Mr to talk about washing of hands er he 's got some brass neck when I remember every year , every year I mean hopefully he wo n't be able to do this next year , what does he say it 's your budget and he looks over there your budget , you implement it .
10 Well I 'll should take , I mean hopefully you wo n't have a cold .
11 I goes well they 'll improve the grant to start off with , he goes well it wo n't be in time to benefit us , I goes well you should n't just be thinking about yourself
12 I ca n't do mine with little one , I got like I 'll
13 ‘ When I grow up I 'll make sure I 've always got enough money for a whole pound of sausages and eggs to go with them , ’ Sally thought , but she never said anything .
14 I bet you when I grow up I 'll be tall
15 my mum 's seventy five , how does she get back er ten pound of potatoes and all the week 's shopping , I say well I 'll go and then he moans at me cos I 'm running around after everybody else but
16 you u u use your brain a bit more , see now if er they used to come to me , my brother was one , he 'd come to me and he 'd say , right I 've got a heavy lift , so will you come up here and sling it for me but we had to put the slings round the heavy lift , say , I say right I 'll come up and another time we had a railway carriage come down like that 'll be shipped abroad , old railway carriage .
17 If I act alone it wo n't have any significant effect on the problem .
18 I says well you 'll need to cancel it because they send an appointment to that person .
19 So , of course , he got up , I went to close the door he was there so I tried him in his pushchair , I says well you 'll have to walk , I know it 's only five minutes away .
20 He neither filling another form , I says well I 'll fill it in tonight for him he 'll sign it and if I post it tonight you 'll probably get it tomorrow .
21 And she said Oh yes I says Well I 'll tell you what 's happened Oh she says My daughter 's a hussy .
22 and I says then we 'll have to come in the back and all them dishes standing there and , and that 's one thing John hates , if any of his ones come up
23 So she says no so I says so I 'll
24 I says okay I 'll agree to it but I wan na se , I have n't seen it , so how do I know ?
25 I hope somehow it will become possible for you to join a Brownie Pack , but I 'm afraid Botley , where the nearest is , is too far away for you to go . ’
26 So I hope today you will take wider factors into consideration as well .
27 I 'm sorry you had to worry about me because I would n't let you know what was going on in my mind , but I hope now you 'll realise why I kept silent for so long .
28 Erm before we started this drawing which so if I co , perhaps if I stand here everyone will be able to see which is probably fairly familiar and in , in most respects it goes back about six years to the first master plan that was produced for the estate erm to provide a combination of regeneration and new build .
29 I thought to myself when it was erm , advertised on television , I thought I 'll tape that I bet I know well you 'll be interested in that .
30 ‘ So far I am lucky , but I know sometime it will happen . ’
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