Example sentences of "i [verb] [prep] [art] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I mean this is something that we could maybe be of help to in fact maybe something that I could be of help to them on because I actually do lectures on public relations how to assess what I mean at a very basic level you want to communicate with press how do you do it but before you do it why do you want to do it .
2 Do you know what I mean by a relatively free press , Mr Wagner ? …
3 I lived in the most beautiful house in England but I was always lonely and sad .
4 Aye er and er I got to the now on the and steamers go so far up , past Le Havre at the mouth Le Havre we disembarked when we went out to France first time and we took guns and all sorts .
5 I long for a more matter-of-fact , common sense approach to environmental action .
6 And a lifetime of line-ups by the sound of things , I say in a rather low voice .
7 And equally I disagree with the very poor performa poor sorry poor performance given er er in particular to the A nineteen north .
8 And here I apologise for the rather poor sound quality , but he refused to shut his parrot and dogs in another room during the interview .
9 You get your own ego to face up to its own problems and to make its own decisions , er as I mentioned before a very painful process and a , and a , and a rather gruelling one .
10 ‘ My reply was short and to the point and I 'm disappointed that what I regarded as a highly confidential matter between two clubs should , 48 hours later , be the subject of Press comment . ’
11 Then on 1 November I received this telegram , with what I recognised as the consciously humorous overtones of 1914 — 18 :
12 I came across a very brief report about my mother 's death .
13 I came across a very bewildered woman asking for a cigarette and I asked her where she lived and took her home .
14 — , 59 , of ‘ I came across a very classy furrier 's in Nottingham just as the shopkeeper was putting a jaunty looking ocelot hat on a stand .
15 I 've knocked about a bit in the last few years I suppose , but I was always restless until I came to a very ordinary house in a rather dingy London suburb , where there was a large and interesting family who had been in the same place for a long time .
16 I came upon a very old woman dressed from hat to woollen stockings and high boots in black .
17 I came from a pretty poorish background and now it 's nice to be able to give my parents money , and let them do things like go on holiday .
18 I mean I think it 's the class thing as well really , because I can remember when I was erm leaving school erm and I went to the careers erm teacher for my interview and I said I 'd like to be a journalist and she looked at me and I came from a very poor working class background in Tottenham , and she said ‘ I 'm sure you could be a secretary or a shorthand typist if you really tried ’ .
19 ‘ That was because I came from the most stable period of his life and I made him feel secure . ’
20 The President was amused , conceding that not much cricket or rugby was played in the United States , but as a sports fan himself he understood — especially as a Southerner , aware of the significance of sport in the Deep South , and of the fact that I came from an ever Deeper South than he did …
21 I signalled to the least intelligent-seeming of the soldiers .
22 Chairman I think this is probably the first time in this council chamber in twenty years that er I will probably have spoken on er social services issues er and I speak from an entirely private capacity and any information that er that comes my way is from what I might call informed members of the public erm , people who I come into contact with and from my own experiences as a ward councillor and from as we all do from time to time , my own family experience , my own domestic experiences and I do know something about the problems which are associated with the the care of elderly people er although I do n't have that problem now erm things have taken their course .
23 Whether the particular scheme summarized here can contribute substantially to that end remains to be seen , but I hope at the very least I have been able to express why I believe that the social sciences will eventually be fused with biology .
24 I begin with a rather trivial example .
25 It was designed to be used when knitting pile and drive lace — though I suspect from the almost total lack of drive lace and pile garments that I 've seen , or rather not seen , that is used at all it 's mainly with the rib transfer carriage !
26 She was another young conservative , I guessed from a rather sheltered background .
27 → Well , when I replied to the very first letter criticising Eric 's apparent tonal excesses , I mentioned the differences that we 've all heard between one Marshall , or Boogie , or Strat , or Les Paul from the next .
28 George joined the ranks of the executive high-flyers , those with university degrees , I joined in a much humbler capacity .
29 As I seem to remember telling you yesterday , I design for a totally different market from G.W. Fashions . ’
30 And then , I knocked at the very weak leg .
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