Example sentences of "i [verb] [verb] from [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I assume you made it worth her while in other ways , but obviously I failed to discover from her own fair lips how much you thought she was worth , and I 'm damned sure you wo n't admit how much you 've paid over the odds for her favours . ’
2 I got evicted from my last place I was at .
3 This is not always the case , though — I once had a kestrel that I 'd decided from its plumage was a male and it turned out to be a female , and although this has never happened to me with a barn owl , I know people who 've made that mistake .
4 With a warm fire , and a hot meal , I began to recover from my unpleasant experiences .
5 My father was never to speak or write to me again , but after a while I began to hear from my mother .
6 We had to move into the capital afterwards , because we feared they would come back to look for my husband and I began to suffer from my nerves , thinking about all I had seen.They killed my husband in the end , in 1982 .
7 This is thanks to the help I have received from my wife , my children , and a large number of other people and organizations .
8 and I , I went paralysed from my toes and
9 I think coming from my working-class background , I was frightened of everything that had a vague look of an institution about it .
10 ‘ I had only returned from a holiday in Dublin and had n't the price of the airline ticket , so I had to borrow from my mum , ’ said Deirdre , who is the mother of a five-year-old daughter , Emma .
11 I had moved from his shoulder , so he got up and retrieved my hat .
12 I would never again speak of sin , certainly not to Lili , for one of the messages I had gathered from her speech was that it would bore her .
13 So the flooding had not been from the lake — which hitherto I had assumed to be the case ; maybe it had come from the river whose bed , now dried , I had seen from my eminence on the hillside .
14 This included one of the most severe letters I had seen from his pen .
15 It had come from Eire , but was so like the one I had received from my folk in Somerset , we could hardly believe a Catholic and a Non-Conformist Junior Church magazine could look so much alike .
16 Feeling flustered and guilty that I had departed from my normal custom of never working on a pupil 's painting , I foolishly replied " Yes " .
17 My usual script looks like demented knitting , but among my manuscripts I am still surprised to find poem drafts and diary entries in neat italic calligraphy , painstakingly produced with a special calligraphic pen , or ‘ disguised ’ and back-sloping hands , or the ‘ progressive ’ styles I had copied from my art students in Corsham .
18 First stop was Stornoway where Ewen Munro , the Manager , was on hand to relieve me of an important part of my luggage , The Crofter of the Year Cup , which I was to present in Stornoway at a Dinner on the Friday once I had returned from my more distant island travels .
19 Calder-Marshall pointed out something I had omitted from my ( very brief ) Mass Observation review , then said he still did n't understand why I wanted to do the book and I needed to write and explain this to him .
20 When I had recovered from my immediate repugnance , I had to concede he was merely correct .
21 The grim knowledge that she was on the verge of suffocation appalled me and when she stumbled and almost fell the hand in my pocket gripped more tightly on the scalpel which I had taken from my car along with the adrenalin .
22 Congress , well I 've seen from my written report that the current material , building materials pay round has been an extremely tough one .
23 Something I 've noticed from your soloing is that you 're not afraid to stay on one note .
24 I 've heard from my cousin in Berlin . ’
25 I 've heard from my husband about graduates not getting jobs , even with a degree in computer science . ’
26 ‘ Yes , I 've heard from our man at the post office that our letter was handed to him when he called yesterday . ’
27 a nice little term I 've nicked from my driving instructor
28 I 've resigned from my job because I ca n't cope .
29 ‘ In particular , I 've learned from his ability to man-manage .
30 The upper levels of the water will be inhabited by three Tinfoil Barbs which I need to move from their present home .
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