Example sentences of "i [verb] [verb] [prep] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 His silence encouraged her to be even more frank , and , looking to where the moonlight caught the line of his strong jaw , she said , ‘ I know you appreciate the help I 've given by stepping in to take Stella 's place , and for that reason I doubt that you would give me the sack — or tell me to go .
2 And I mean think of say rolling back in traffic if you 're waiting on a hill .
3 ‘ It 's all a matter of survival , and right now I intend to concentrate on surviving this disaster .
4 Probably at home , I got bollocksed for having them last night as well .
5 I tried to , er , I told I got criticised for slowing down too much , going into a corner on my dr driving test , I told Brown which corner it was , he took me round there three or four times to s today on my lesson , yeah , we 'll keep doing it till you get it right .
6 Since the set has two transmitter power settings , 1.6W and 5.0W output power , I had hoped to find that the higher power setting would overcome by 1.5W KX99 's main failing — its inability to talk to ground stations farther that about 10nm away ; but according to the controllers I tried to speak to using both hand-helds in turn , there was only a very marginal difference between the King and the ICOM unit on either of its power settings .
7 Jean had n't long passed her driving test and I tried to help by pointing out when she should be moving up through the gears .
8 So our achievements are significant , but they are fragile , and I want to conclude by outlining what I think are the principal features of our work that have bought some success .
9 And I want to conclude by examining various ways for feminists to respond to it , apart from simply recommending that women eliminate difference by learning to behave more like men .
10 That is as far as I want to go in drawing morals from Biomorph Land .
11 I want to talk about buying a car . ’
12 I want to end by saying that we need now to f go over this hurdle of liberation make sure that the vast majority of black South Africans who are deeply angry and I saw this anger because I was in South Africa when Chris was assassinated and this anger was turning into rage and the country was on a knife edge it could have blown up , the country would have burned had it not been for the diplomatic achievement of , of enormous stature by Nelson Mandela when he addressed the whole nation and in a sense seized power informally from white and black and the country managed to survive that but if that anger turns into rage again then the country could burn and I do n't say this to be dramatic but just to warn that in those moments when the media and so on do n't explain the situation well do n't forget our people because they have had to cope with this situation .
13 I want to stick to making sculptures of animals because of a love of them .
14 So I want to start about talking about what Neighbourhood Watch is and what it is n't .
15 I think I want to start by reminding everybody that borrowing to finance capital spending is the norm , for almost all local authorities in this country .
16 I want to start by emphasizing again that er I consider that the amount of traffic relief afforded to the A sixty one would be relatively low .
17 This week I want to start by reconsidering that first objection but we ca n't leave everything to the people .
18 I want to start by asking what are the risks that the Delors plan — the origin of European economic and monetary union — will suffer the same fate as the Werner plan did 20 years ago .
19 Graham , I want to start by asking you about you being mayor .
20 Graham , I want to start by asking you about you being Mayor .
21 Vaclav Havel , Czechoslovak President since December 1989 , announced on April 14 that he would seek a further term as President " not because I want to be President at any cost … but because I want to contribute towards pushing through certain values " .
22 Contrary to the Minister 's partisan approach , I want to begin by taking a consensus view .
23 I want to begin by saying that I fully accept the criticisms that have been levelled , particularly against the quotation on the envelope , by a number of correspondents .
24 I want to begin by going back to an argument that Aristotle put forward in the Ethics , since I think that the point at which his argument breaks down can illuminate the nature of the problem some feminist thinking has faced .
25 My brother Frankie and sister Liza were a little older than I was , so perhaps it was for this reason that I seemed to end up doing most of the chores .
26 I 'd joined in trying to control the thing by now as Gillian found she could n't manage curves on her own .
27 It had started to snow , the first I 'd seen since leaving Toronto .
28 I 'd assumed without thinking that they were for the straddling dock cranes to run on .
29 I 'd planned on taking you to Malvern to meet my family , but , it 'll have to be another day .
30 I 'd refrained from advertising any more for fear that we would be overwhelmed .
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