Example sentences of "i [verb] [prep] [art] first " in BNC.

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1 I mean for the first time there 's a erm a sort of Asian wholesale supermarket .
2 But I mean for the first year she wo n't be in , if she goes into student , she 'll be in college
3 Well I mean for the first year she wo n't be in if she goes in as a student she 'll be in college .
4 Yes it 's great , I mean in the first year lecture on Tuesday erm in the break I gave them in the middle of it the the corridor was like thick with tobacco smoke y'know you could hardly
5 I realised for the first time that I have never been wanted : it really was such a revelation .
6 Anyway , I was congratulated once more and I realised for the first time that I was actually doing some good .
7 At that moment I realised for the first time that not a single word had been uttered on the subject since the accident happened .
8 When Eva had gone and I lay for the first time in the same house as Charlie and Eva and my father , I thought about the difference between the interesting people and the nice people .
9 The women I met in the refuge , and others I met in the first few weeks of my journey , stated their own investment in this book : they did n't want to be objects observed , they wanted to be its subjects .
10 I sit on the first island to photograph the kayaks heading north into the last of the sun , then refloat again to join them .
11 When I got to the first rehearsal she announced , ‘ You 're all going to be in the Command Performance . ’
12 But I was okay when I got to the first tee . ’
13 ‘ Before I got in the first team , ’ he says , ‘ I was asking myself over and over again : ‘ can I really do it ? ’ .
14 This he did , and it was then that I experienced for the first time his unexpected propensity for one-liners , conjured out of thin air .
15 Holland I sank before the first nuclear tests and was shielded by the sea from radiation .
16 It may be argued that this is essentially the approach that I used in the first chapter .
17 We talked about other things , and I told for the first time the story of how I lost the job at Drummonds , which made us both laugh so much the nurses came running with shocked looks to shut us up .
18 This was when I learnt for the first time how experts conducted dealing for Jim came from a family of dealers .
19 It 's kind of late now and I 'm in no condition to drive so when I get the 205 I only take it as far as the outskirts of Inverness where I stop at the first lit Bed and Breakfast sign I see and talk politely and slowly to the pleasant middle-aged couple from Glasgow who run the place and then say goodnight , close the door of my room and fall fast asleep on the bed without even taking off my jacket .
20 I came into the first form of his boarding school .
21 Sure enough there was the Marina but this was not pegged and after walking under a railway bridge I came to the first peg , number 65 .
22 The consequences of such a reduction in the level of armaments ( and more generally of ‘ military preparedness ’ ) are considerable , for as I noted in the first edition of this book , if there is any generalization about the causes of war which is supported by some empirical evidence , it seems to be that which establishes a connection between an arms race and an increased probability of war ( Richardson , 1960 ) .
23 In 1979 I interviewed for the first ( and last ) time the newly elected Prime Minister , Margaret Thatcher .
24 I noticed for the first rime that there was a little hole in the door .
25 He stood up and I noticed for the first time a bunch of keys at his belt .
26 Looking back , I noticed for the first time how wind-bent and close-cropped were the cypresses .
27 I noticed for the first time that it was dreadfully long .
28 He looked slightly abstracted ; and I noticed for the first time that his habit of addressing remarks with head bowed — often appearing to contemplate the floor or the ‘ figure in the carpet ’ — had begun to bring about that slight spinal curvature which became accentuated later in life though not without adding to his dignity of bearing .
29 Her pink flying suit had two dirty orbs where her backside had imprinted itself on the ground and I noticed for the first time that her trainers were at least size 9 ( men 's ) .
30 Fenella took a deep breath and I noticed for the first time just how impressively she could breathe .
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